Grow your professional network with the AM Council
Asset Management Fundamentals Course
Gold Coast | 10 April | 8.30am – 5pm
This course offers a thorough overview of asset management. The purpose of the Asset Management Fundamentals program is to understand the fundamentals of asset management and how they can provide benefits to the organisation. Optional exam afterwards to become CAAM Certified.
Asset Management Fundamentals Course
Online | 14-15 April | 9am – 1pm AEST
Delivered in a live interactive online setting, offers a thorough overview of asset management. The purpose of the Asset Management Fundamentals program is to understand the fundamentals of asset management and how they can provide benefits to the organisation. Optional exam afterwards to become CAAM Certified.

“Assisting Members to enable value from effective asset management. ”
Professional Networking
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Melbourne Chapter Committee for 2025/2026
Following the recent AGM, we are pleased to confirm the Asset Management Council Melbourne Chapter committee lineup for the 2025/2026 term. All three executive roles remain unchanged as Andrew Sarah...
Announcing the 2025/2026 Adelaide Chapter Committee
Following yesterday’s Asset Management Council Adelaide Chapter AGM, we are pleased to announce the committee for the 2025/2026 term. A big welcome to Davis Veremu, who steps into the role of...
Your Latest Issue of The Asset Journal Has Arrived!
We’re excited to announce that the newest issue of The Asset Journal is out now! This edition is packed with insightful technical articles, practical tutorials, and chapter updates,...
Welcoming the Canberra Chapter Committee for 2025/26
The Canberra Chapter recently held its AGM, welcoming James Stevenson as the new Chair, supported by Vice Chair Richard Windsor and Secretary Talha Ahmed. With an exciting lineup of programs and...
The AMBoK represents a set of standard models, terminology,
and guidelines specifically for asset management. Read more

The Asset Journal
Keep informed of the latest developments in Asset Management.
The Asset Journal is the Asset Management Council’s official publication. Covering the latest in asset management and maintenance topics for its members and wider community, with technical articles, current topical articles, tutorials, chapter news, and updates from the Editor and National Chair.

Celebrating Excellence
Showcasing our Excellence Awards for Individuals & Companies

Asset Management Innovation Award
Asset Management Information Management Award
Asset Management CRP Award – Cost/Risk/Performance
Asset Management Sustainability Award
Asset Management Resilience Award
Safety in Asset Management Award
The Asset Management Diversity Award
Our Partner

We are recognised as a Technical Society of Engineers Australia

Founding member of the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM)

Founding member of the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM)