Anil Jaiswal, Strategy Manager, Servicing & Asset Strategy, Sydney Water (NSW)

Since 2009, Sydney Water has progressively invested in a state-of-the-art enterprise data warehousing (EDW) and business intelligence (BI) technology. EDW gathers data from various disparate operational data sources such as maintenance management system, control and monitoring system (SCADA), finance, HR etc. BI provides advanced data mining and analytics capability.

With BI a number of innovative analytical tools have been developed to derive insight from ‘big data’ that enable planners to develop evidence based growth servicing strategies and operators/maintainers to manage assets efficiently and effectively. Any deviation (beyond a threshold) from long-term performance trends highlights assets that are operating inefficiently or abnormally, e.g. increased number of pump starts or pump run hours due to a worn impeller, or pumping into a pressure main with a broken reflux valve, or feeding a bigger water zone because a dividing valve is left in open position.

For more big data case studies, attend the Big Data. Big Discussion Technical Symposium on 23 October in Melbourne.
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