AM Council congratulates Yvonne Power on winning the AMPEAK social media competition. Yvonne has won a ticket to attend the AMPEAK conference from 10-13 April.

We received entries via Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and email. A winner was selected at random.

To enter the competition we asked people to answer the below question:

What is one thing you would like to see change in 2016 in relation to your role and asset management?

Yvonne’s response included comments around AM teams and specialists:

  • being more involved in the development and deployment of intelligent systems for asset health management
  • taking a more active role in the development of predictive models incorporating engineering knowledge (models) as well as history (‘big data’) methods to optimise asset performance across the life of the asset

Congratulations again Yvonne and thanks to all those who entered. Looking forward to seeing you all at AMPEAK.