AM Council would like to congratulate the finalists in the running for an Excellence in Asset Management Award. The awards will be given in 6 categories and will be presented at the Gala Dinner Awards Night as part of the AMPEAK conference.

Below are a list of the finalists and the name of their projects.

Ventia – Ventia Operations Maintenance and Facilities Management (OMFM)
Ventia – ISO 55001 Asset Management System for Airportlink Tunnelled – Motorway in Brisbane
K2 – Life Extension of a Gas Powered Generator
K2 – Classified Plant Audit
VicTrack – Asbestos Management: From Spreadsheet Management to Management of Spreadsheets
Redeye – Redeye Asset Management Innovation
Softsols group – Agility installation in Fiona Stanley Hospital
Opus – Creating an Effective Asset management Culture using ISO 55000
Aurecon – AM Maturity Growth with the AM Landscape Subjects
RioTinto – Process Safety Improvement – Pannawonica Swimming Pool
Thales – Data Management Refinement
TfNSW – ASA – TFNSW Asset Management Framework – Transport for NSW (ASA)
TfNSW – ASA – Asset Information Management – Transport for NSW (ASA)
Sydney Trains – Possession Management Centres
Sydney Trains – Track Geometry Index
Sydney Trains – Enterprise Configuration Management: Development of the Asset Information Submission Guideline