The abstract submission process is open for 2017

We would like to invite professionals, students and organisations from asset intensive industries and academia to apply to present their asset management technical and research developments at AMPEAK Asset Management Conference 2017.

Abstract submission closes on 11th November 2016. 

The Theme is Global Issues, Local Solutions – Advancing the Big Questions in Asset Management
Global megatrends that have evolved are apparent regardless of geographic location that present challenges, risks and opportunities. Common issues faced by asset managers across the globe include:

  • Asset management systems frameworks, standards and models
  • Big data, internet of things
  • New emerging technologies
  • Meeting customer and stakeholder expectations
  • Value and benefits of asset management
  • Funding for aging assets
  • Education and training
  • Industry Sector Applications to Asset Management

AMPEAK17 will consider some of these common global asset management issues and share solutions that may be from academia, from a maintenance practitioners experiences, an asset management journey or from a specific industry sector.
Papers may be submitted into one of the below categories:

Category 1 – Full Peer Reviewed Paper

This option is for authors who wish to submit a full paper for peer review and publication. The final submitted paper must adhere to strict criteria and, if accepted, will be made available in the Asset Management Body of Knowledge (AMBoK).

Category 2 – Non Peer Reviewed Paper

This option is for authors who wish to submit a paper to for presentation at the conference, but not be subject to the same review process as category 1. Papers in this category may include case studies, new technologies or practical applications. These papers will be available on the conference app and website only.
These papers will be reviewed for quality and suitability but will not be subject to the same criteria as category 1.

Category 3 – Poster

This option is for authors who do not wish to do an oral presentation or have a paper that is best presented as a poster (ie. Large amounts of technical data, tables) . Posters will be available to view in the exhibition area throughout the conference. Posters will not be subject to full peer review, but will be checked for quality and suitability.

More information and submission guide