DigitalInfrastructureSymposiumAdvertBlogDon’t miss out on our upcoming Digital Infrastructure Symposium. The one day event is selling fast, only $350 for members and $450 for non-members. Discover more and register today

This one day Symposium is jam-packed full of digital infrastructure insights and will benefit anyone from an asset intensive sector. Join 12 first-class speakers as they share their invaluable knowledge of best practice solutions and key challenges affecting industries using digital infrastructure.

 In this ever-changing and increasingly complex and interconnected world, those without a digital strategy will fail. Our customers and stakeholders have increasingly high expectations when it comes to personalisation, speed, security of information sharing and high quality services that demonstrate value for money.


The annual, one-day-only Digital Infrastructure Symposium has been carefully designed to stimulate, energise and align thinking for asset intensive owners and operators in order to help them embrace value extraction from the digital representation of our physical world.

Join us as we explore the art of the possible for those who seek to make it a reality. Topics covered include the design and construction of our digital assets, the analytics and insights we can realise over the whole life cycle, the personal and professional capabilities we need in the industry and supply chain, and what practical steps you can take now to position yourself and your organisation for a better future.


Melbourne – Digital Infrastructure Symposium

Friday 17 November 2017, 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Windsor Hotel, Burke Room, 11 Spring Street, Melbourne

Cost: AMCouncil Member: $350 / Non-member: $450   


Click Here for Registration



The Program at a Glance:


The Big Picture: Exploring key insights into the internet of things, analysing how to best manage those increasingly large streams of data, discovering what really makes a smart city and exploring cross industry communications.


Digital Risks and Opportunities: Delving into the realities of managing cyber security, ensuring data integrity and navigating cyberspace in today’s complex online world


Living in the Future: What research is showing as the most important digital trends that are set to shape the future of asset management.


The Digital Twin: Invaluable insights into data architecture, the latest standards in IoT and information structure


Whole of Life Data Management: Provision of a unique perspective on how to structure data and manage your workforce to ensure your data is ready to use at any time.


Virtually Speaking: A sneak peak into augmented reality and how this immersive platform has the potential to change asset management forever. We also explore how to better use more common platforms including mobile and desktop.


The Customer is Always Right: How do you really put the customer at the centre of your business?


Legal Leadership: What do core concepts such as privacy, ownership, partnerships, governance, leadership and accountability really mean for the day-to-day running of a business.


People and Change: How can businesses best manage succession planning, training and the adoption of new and emergent technologies and make sure their workforce is “digital ready”?


Predictive analytics: Data is all well and good but how to you extract real value from it? Tips on the latest developments in reporting, mash-ups, machine learning and predictive learning.


Automation & Robotics: Making sense of what artificial intelligence will mean for the asset manager.


Your Crystal Ball: Exploring what your future in asset management will really look like. What benefits are in store for you, and for your organisation?



Discover more about the Symposium today


#digital infrastructure, #IoT, #robotics, #data management, #automation, #privacy, #virtual reality, #augmented reality, #data, #digital trends