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Feature Articles

ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011

We are excited to announce that the ICOMS Asset Management Conference for 2011 will be held on the Gold Coast, Queensland!

Mark your diary; the Conference will be held from Monday 16 to Friday 20 May 2011.

Asset Management Council Briefing Report: June – August 2010

From June to August 2010, the Asset Management Council focused on strengthening its international presence through involvement in the Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM) and provided technical activities for its members and the wider asset management community.

Asset Management Council Strategies

The following strategies and brief descriptions have been identified by the Asset Management Council Board as key activities to support our goal and vision of ‘enabling benefits for all from effective use of assets’

Asset Management Council headquarters

On Friday 30 and Saturday 31 July, 2010, the Asset Management Council Secretariat moved offices.

Office warming party

To celebrate the Secretariat’s move into a new office, an office warming party was held on Monday 16 August 2010.

Technical Seminar: The Future of Asset Management Information Systems

How will these systems contribute to managing our businesses?

Corporate GOLD Member Profile – Relegen

Relegen specialises in the development and delivery of best practice Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solutions; including asset identification, baseLINE asset management software, and professional engineering consultancy and technical assistance.

The winning entry in the 2010 Asset Management Song Contest

By popular demand, here are the words to the winning entry in the 2010 Asset Management Song Contest.