This month for the article on World Asset Management Day, we go across the Pacific Ocean to Canada, in Toronto.

The Regional Municipality of York is made up of nine local municipalities, all of which aim to build strong and safe communities for its residents and businesses. The population is expected to swell to close to 2 million people by 20411. The York region is investing in infrastructure to accommodate this growth in population.

One such investment is the Major Mackenzie Drive project that includes building four new bridges and replacing the fifty-year-old culvert at McNaughton and Arvo roads2. The deteriorated culvert was replaced with a larger, more durable concrete culvert, with underground infrastructure reinforced3

The surrounding environment and riverbed was improved.

Asset management for culverts begins at installation: they must be properly sized and protected from erosion and scour, with consideration given to load, hydraulic flow, surrounding soil analysis and erosion protection. Failures to culverts can occur for a variety of reasons, and if the failure is sudden, it can cause catastrophic outcomes, often resulting in loss of life.

Don’t forget to register for AMPEAK20, held in Melbourne from 19-22 April and during which World Asset Management Day will be celebrated on 21st April 2020. The conference looks to be our best yet, with a record number of abstracts received and numerous presentations already being prepped on asset management strategies, all of which will share knowledge that ultimately benefits us all…so don’t miss out!


1 Sourced: https://www.york.ca/wps/portal/yorkhome/yorkregion/yr/plansreportsandstrategies/transportationmasterplan/transportationmasterplan

2 Sourced: https://www.york.ca/wps/wcm/connect/yorkpublic/46887e73-d2d9-4e4e-bcfa-7a3224d78e61/YRMatters_FALL_Winter_19_InteractiveWeb.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=m-GDiEk p.2

3 Sourced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGeJ1O656Cc