The Queensland government will invest $150 million1 into Genex’s Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (K2-Hydro). 

Genex Power is using existing infrastructure leftover from the Kidston Gold Mine, as well as leveraging the ideal climatic conditions. The site is expected to produce approximately 250MW/2000MWh and will have a projected asset life span of thirty years2. Kidston’s now disused gold mine will be transformed from a ghost town into the Kidston Clean Energy Hub and will host the nation’s first pumped energy hydro plant built since 1984. It is a closed loop system, meaning the transfer of water will come from the lower to the upper reservoir, ensuring minimal environmental impact during operation3. The site is expected to significantly contribute to Australia’s climate change targets and generation will be fed into the National Energy Market (NEM) from 2025.

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1 Sourced:

2 Sourced: https:

3 Sourced: