TransGrid commits to delivering the nation’s biggest interconnector and will invest $1.8 billion1 into its construction.

The interconnector, EnergyConnect, is a transformational energy project which will save NSW customers up to $64 annually on the average household bill. Construction of the interconnector will generate 1500 new jobs in regional NSW.

EnergyConnect runs from Wagga Wagga to the South Australian border. ElectraNet is responsible for building the SA component of the interconnector. Once built, it will also abate one million tonnes of carbon emissions each year, edging Australia closer to meeting its climate change targets2

The interconnector is a substantial piece of infrastructure to the nation’s electricity grid.

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1 Sourced:’s-biggest-electricity-interconnector-to-lower-electricity-bills-and-create-1500-n.aspx

2 Sourced: As above