Last week saw the Melbourne Chapter host it’s first event of the year where delegates gathered to learn about RAMS (reliability, availability, Maintainability and Safety).  In his presentation, Dr Allen Tam presented how RAMS engineering skills contribute to the life-cycle performance of a product/asset/services and how various tools can be applied.

The session was also host to AMCouncil National Chair, Toby Horstead, as he presented some words from the chair, as part of his Chapter Event Roadshow that will take him throughout our Australian and New Zealand Chapters over the next little while. Make sure that you keep a check on what is local to you on our events for an opportunity to share knowledge, network and meet the chair.

The Asset Management Council wishes to thank the Melbourne Chapter committee for putting this event together and we look forward to the next again one.

Event resources have been made available to members, including the session slides and a recording of the presentation, and all AMCouncil members are welcome to grab a copy in your member zone. Go to and search for RAMS application for the Asset Life Cycle.

In the meantime, check out a couple of pictures taken from the event below.