Safe and Smart – Use of Technology for Remote Monitoring of Assets
How do we remove people from dangerous conditions and situations and do our remote monitoring smarter? The Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management special interest group looks at different types of technologies that can be employed to reduce the risk to people and property.
Take the opportunity to look into techniques that are less familiar and can be adapted to your industry, or learn more about what others are doing within your own industry!
Application of Remote Condition Monitoring Technologies for Hydro Tasmanias Civil Infrastructure
Shelby Hughes, Manager Civil Portfolio, Assets and Infrastructure, Hydro Tasmania
Application of Remote Condition Monitoring Technologies for Hydro Tasmania’s Civil Infrastructure. Civil infrastructure within portfolio includes water conveyance assets (canals & flumes, pipelines & penstocks, intakes & tunnels) and access & egress assets (roads, accessways, bridges).
Shelby Hughes presents an overview of some of the technology applications Hydro Tasmania are currently utilising for remote monitoring of their civil assets. Such technologies include ROVs for water conveyance assets such as intakes and the use of AI and Skydio drones for road & bridge data collection.
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Safe and smart digital technology used to safeguard industrial assets and workers
Don MacIassac, Senior Integrity Engineer, Shell
This session will discuss emerging digital technologies and their role in mitigating risks to personnel in industrial settings. The primary focus is to explore how these technologies can be effectively deployed to enhance asset condition assessment while reducing risk to workers. Real-world examples will be discussed, addressing both the advantages and challenges associated with technology adoption. Our goal is to foster a safer working environment by harnessing the full potential of digital advancements in asset management.
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Enhancing asset condition assessment for potable water storages through the use of robotic technology
Michelle Ye, Senior Planner, In-Service Assets Regional, Water Corporation; and Anthony Old, CEO, Dredge Robotics
In recent years the use of robotic technology to clean and inspect potable water assets while they remain operational has progressed from a novelty to a full-scale commercial reality. Technological advances in drones, underwater inspection ROVs and potable tank cleaning robots now make it viable to replace human entry for majority of water storage assets for both cleaning and maintenance tasks.
These advances in technology enable high quality inspection data to be generated during the cleaning cycles. As a result, the need to take assets offline reduces, leading to improved planning for maintenance tasks during planned asset outages.
This session will provide an overview of how Water Corporation plan for acquiring, storing, and analysing inspection data from both level 1 (online) and level 2 (offline) asset inspections. The session will detail how the robotic technology employed works, how Water Corporation leverage it to make better informed asset condition decisions and what the future of this space looks like.
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Remote Water Pipe Leakage Monitoring in Perth CBD
Ian Gibb and Matt Ferguson
To mitigate the risk and impact of water pipe leaks and bursts in the Perth CBD, Water Corporation utilises remote active leak detection monitoring technology across selected distribution and reticulation water pipes. This remote monitoring provides a continuous acoustic visibility on the assets providing early detection capability for Non-Visible leaks and the protection of assets. This early detection of failures of the water pipes reduces the high cost reactive approach, enables mitigation or remediation decisions to be deployed prior to Functional Failure. In a high density environment such as the Perth CBD minimises asset, public safety, subsequential damage and customer impacts resulting from bursts or catastrophic failures.
Active leak detection monitoring in the Perth CBD is achieved by two remote monitoring deployments: Zonescan NB-IoT Correlating Acoustic Loggers, owned and maintained by Water Corporation utilising a Cloud Zonescan NET portal; and Treble Distributed Acoustic Sensing of leased fibre-optic cables, analysed and reported by an external service provider.
While the acoustic logger technology is used across the industry for monitoring, the use of fibreoptic is technology is new within the water industry but utilised within other industries for temperature and vibration remote monitoring.
This presentation will provide an overview of remote monitoring deployed for non-visible leak detection and protection of assets, and the benefits realised.
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Application of a diagnostic algorithm for performance monitoring of solar electric power generation assets
Earl Duran, Tech Lead, Diagno Energy
Data driven sustainable asset management that applies a diagnostics algorithm to actively monitor the performance of solar electric power generation assets. This results in data driven maintenance activity decisions in combination with the asset owners’ financial interests, ensuring the optimum balance between performance and financial drivers.
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