As we approach the end of a dynamic and insightful year at the Asset Management Council, we’re excited to share a special highlight with you – the top 10 webinars and articles of 2023, reflecting the most watched and most read resources in our community.

🌟 Our 2023 Top 10 Asset Management Resources 🌟


  1. The Evolution of Whole Life Cost Modelling and Asset Class Strategies at Manitoba Hydro
    Travis Lavallee, Manitoba Hydro
    Watch Now
  2. Using Risks in the Operating Context to Define Stakeholder Value
    Iqbal S. Biln, St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation
    Watch Now
  3. Leveraging Asset Management at TransLink Canada
    Llewllyn Fonseca, TransLink
    Watch Now
  4. How Asset Management Practitioners Assist Clients To Meet Their ESG Commitments
    Luke Vaughan and Arman Kianpour, Programmed Facilities Management, and Luke Konynenburg, Green Energy and Carbon Management
    Watch Now
  5. Asset Management Policy for the NSW Public Sector – 4 Years on
    Lucie Mitchell, Infrastructure NSW and Josh Milner, NSW Treasury
    Watch Now
  6. Using the Virtual Buildings Information System To Guide The Geelong Arts Centre In Asset Lifecycle Information Development and Management
    Daniel Haworth, Aurelian and Heshan Samarawickrama, VBIS
    Watch Now
  7. Achieving ESG goals through Asset Optimisation
    Akshay Athalye, Babcock
    Watch Now
  8. Managing Data as an Asset
    John Hardwick, Kimon Onuma, Pegg Quijada, and James Conway
    Watch Now
  9. Data as an Asset – Mapping infrastructure management principles to datasets
    Robert Radovanovic, University of Calgary
    Watch Now
  10. Determining the Value Realisation in a Transport Organisation
    John Hardwick and Mike Santos
    Watch Now


  1. Effective Asset Management Systems for Intangible Assets – Maximising Value of IP using Asset Management Concepts
    Rachel Scott, Capability Partners
    Read More
  2. Data as an Asset
    Tanya Hegmann and Dr Robert Radovanovic, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada
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  3. Integrating Management Systems with Systems of Management – Aligning the Asset Management Journey
    Alison Court, Capability Partners
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  4. Value or Values of Effective Asset Management
    Elizabeth Topolcsanyi, GHD and Jim Riddle, BSI
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  5. Embedding Sustainability & Resilience in Asset Management through Standards & Specifications
    Aishwarya Kesarwani, Diana Zagora, and Christian Christodoulou, Transport for NSW
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  6. Transforming a Facilities Portfolio – Harnessing macrotrends and industry drivers to define strategic objectives for our facilities of the future
    Richard Windsor, Sam Scargill, Oliver Schacht – Jacobs Australia, and Craig Bartle, Shane Dyer – Airservices Australia
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  7. Demonstrating the Value of Improved Asset Management to a Regulator
    Ashley Dunn, Essential Energy
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  8. Considerations to be made when an asset changes operating philosophy
    Tania Viano
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  9. Maximising Value from Property Assets
    Jacqueline Blenkinship, Collectiveight
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  10. Can Asset Management Fundamentals Contribute to a Project’s Success?
    Andrew Wheatley, ServiceStream & Prof Peter Knights, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, University of QLD
    Read More

These resources not only reflect the collective interests and challenges of our community but also underscore our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry developments. We encourage you to explore these top picks – whether it’s revisiting to glean new insights or discovering something you might have missed.

Your Voice Matters!
Your engagement is the driving force behind our council’s success. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these resources and any suggestions you might have for future topics. Feel free to share your feedback by replying to this email.

Thank you for your continued dedication and active participation in our community. Your enthusiasm and commitment make all the difference in shaping a vibrant and forward-thinking Asset Management Council. Here’s to another year of learning, growth, and excellence in asset management!