Asset Management Conference Perth 2014

Crown, Perth 2-5 June 2014

Exhibitor Opportunities

AMPEAK connects you, your products and services to over 300 key asset management and maintenance professionals from across Australia and around the globe.

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The conference aligns your products and services with industry thought leaders that present the latest research on asset management advancements and practical case studies.  The conference connects you and your products and services to key asset management and maintenance decisions makers supporting your need to share and engage with your key audiences. 

Exhibition Booth Package

  • 3m wide x 2m deep x 2.4m high shell structure booth including:
  • Covered back and side walls
  • Company name on fascia
  • 1 120 watt spotlight
  • 1 power board with 4 outlets
  • Clothed table and 2 chairs

Additional entitlements:

  • One Booth Attendee Pass (includes daytime catering and social functions excluding dinner)
  • One complimentary full conference registration
  • Company profile and logo listed in the final Conference Program published in The Asset Journal
  • Booth location and company name shown on the floor plan printed in the final Conference Program and Conference Navigator booklet
  • Company logo, name and web link on the Conference web pages
  • Booth location and company name shown on the floor plan in preliminary conference brochures 
  • 10 MB of company promotional material for inclusion in the Conference USB (PDF or flash content to be supplied)
  • Company brochure inserted into delegate satchels (A4 and up to 8 pages)
  • An electronic copy of the permissions based delegate list 

Exhibitor prices will be annouced shortly but please register your interest for Exhibition or Sponsorship Opportunities with Zoë.


Further Information

Zoë Fitzpatrick
Event Coordinator 
Phone: +61 (0)3 9819 2515


Pricipal Sponsor of the Asset Management Conference