CALL FOR PAPERS EXTENDEDWe would like to invite professionals, students and organisations from asset intensive industries and academia to apply to present their asset management technical and research developments at AMPEAK18 Asset Management Conference 2018

Abstract submissions close 8th December 2017

AMPEAK18 theme is “Asset Management – empowering sustainable change”

Click here to submit your abstract

AMPEAK18 will consider common asset management challenges and share solutions that may be from academia, from a maintenance practitioner’s experiences, an asset management journey or from a specific industry sector.   Eight sub themes have been identified under the conference theme of empowering sustainable change as follows:

Leadership and Culture

  • Case studies showing how to embed an asset management culture
  • Influencing without authority – how you have made asset management change from your position in the organisation. How small groups within an organisation can create change
  • Leading the asset management function

Technology and Innovation

  • How extreme conditions such as extreme cold, hot, wet, dry climate conditions are a catalyst for innovation
  • How technology and innovation provide empowerment
  • Disruption driving positive change

Sustainable Asset Management Planning

  • Taking the long term view under short term pressure
  • Renewing asset management life
  • Case studies demonstrating “cradle to cradle” or “zero waste” – creating products for the circular economy
  • Bringing Finance and Asset Management together
  • Risk Management

Measuring Sustainable Impact

  • What data do you need?
  • How do you measure what you are doing?
  • How do you navigate through the data overload to find meaningful information?

Shared Value

  • Creating value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders
  • Impact on community and economic growth
  • Gaining value from sustainable asset management of natural assets e.g. water, land, air, soil
  • Case studies showing value of asset management to the community and organisations
  • How asset management is being used to assist in achieving targets for UN sustainable development goal 9: build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Equipping yourself and your workforce for a sustainable future

  • Asset Management skills sets needed for future
  • Planning for your asset management workforce
  • Future of work
  • Maintenance in a sustainable future
  • Role of maintenance in a sustainable future

Legal aspects in asset management

  • What are contractual obligations of value?
  • Understanding the implication of contract clauses on assets maintainability, delivery expectations, constraints and risks
  • Asking the right legal questions

ISO55001 Case Studies & Certification

  • How to design a process to meet the ISO5500x system
  • Using ISO5500x frameworks to embed sustainable asset management

Key Dates

Abstract submission closes Friday 8th December 2017

Final paper submitted Friday 9th March 2018

For details and to submit your abstract go to

Paper Submissions

Papers may be submitted into one of the below categories:

Papers promoting products and services will strictly not be accepted.

Category 1 – Full Peer Reviewed Technical Paper

This option is for authors who wish to submit a full paper for technical peer review by two subject matter experts and publication. The final submitted paper must adhere to strict criteria and, if accepted, will be made available in the Asset Management Body of Knowledge (AMBoK)

Category 2 – Non-Peer Reviewed Paper

This option is for authors who wish to submit a paper for presentation at the conference, but not be subject to the same review process as category 1. These papers will be reviewed for quality and suitability but will not be subject to the same criteria as category 1. Papers promoting products and services will strictly not be accepted. Papers must address the conference themes and may include case studies, new technologies or practical applications. These papers will be available on the conference app and website only.

Category 3 – Poster

This option is for authors who do not wish to do an oral presentation or have a paper that is best presented as a poster (i.e. large amounts of technical data, tables). Posters will be available to view in the exhibition area throughout the conference. Posters will not be subject to full peer review, but will be checked for quality and suitability.

Full submission guidelines and templates for submissions are available from the conference website
