The AMPEAK conference has a diverse and forward thinking program. There are over 50 incredibly interesting abstracts being presented by some of the world’s leading thinkers is asset management. These abstracts have shaped the conference streams, which are outlined below.
Conference streams:

Organisation, people, leadership and culture – developing a strong asset management culture in your organisation

Productivity, cost, risk and performance – taking on the challenge of getting more from less without compromise or increasing risk including the challenges around big data

Asset information systems, enterprise landscapes, technology & mobility – leveraging the latest technology to manage physical assets

Asset management systems, frameworks, standards and models – using these tools to gain organisational improvements

Value creation, financial management and benefits realisation – communicating the value of your work and presenting a winning business case

The conference also includes streams and sessions focussing on:

  • Asset Maintenance
  • Asset Management Education, Training and Learning
  • Defence, Government and Health

The conference also includes 2 workshops where you can earn CPD points:

  • Asset Management Fundamentals
  • Developing a Strategic Asset Management Plan

Make sure you register for AMPEAK today!