Following nominations for the 2023 New Zealand Chapter committee at the March AGM, the New Zealand Chapter is delighted to confirm that:

  • Wayne Hatcher has been elected as New Zealand Chapter Chair; and
  • Luka Baresic has been elected as New Zealand Chapter Secretary

Jon Irving (Chapter Vice-Chair) who was elected last year in 2022 for a 2-year term remains in position.

The Asset Management Council would like to extend its sincere thanks to Andrew Gatland, outgoing New Zealand Chapter Chair, for all his time and effort within the committee over the past years and as Chair over the last year.

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to Mark Chatterton and Adele Jones, who joins all re-nominated committee members rolled over to the new committee.

The current 2023 New Zealand Committee is as follows:

  1. Wayne Hatcher (Chair)
  2. Jon Irving (Vice Chair)
  3. Luka Baresic (Secretary)
  4. Mark Chatterton
  5. Jack Crutzen
  6. Peter Griffiths
  7. Rex Harland
  8. Adele Jones

Thank you again for your nominations, and welcome on board.