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Feature Articles

Asset Management Conference, 2010

The ICOMS Asset Management Conference commenced in 1994 as the International Conference of Maintenance Societies (ICOMS) and over the years has grown beyond just maintenance to encompass the entire asset lifecycle.

A two page summary covering

  • Keynote Speakers
  • About Adelaide
  • Sponsorship and Trade Exhibition
  • Partner Program

Platinum Corporate Membership

The Asset Management Council has introduced a new level of Corporate Membership – Platinum.

Corporate Profile – Lloyd’s Register Group

Our mission is ‘to secure for the benefit of the community high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property at sea, on land and in the air’.

GFMAM representing local maintenance and asset management industries at international conference

Asset Management Council’s National Chairman, John Hardwick, and CEO, Sally Nugent, will be representing Australia during the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) presentations at Euromaintenance, Verona, Italy in May 2010.

Introducing Ray Beebe – Gippsland Chapter Chair

Find out why Ray is involved in the Asset Management Council.

Perth Asset Management Fundamentals Course in May 2010 – Spaces available

On 26 May 2010, Perth will host a one day Asset Management Fundamentals Course. Originally scheduled for late April 2010, the course has been rescheduled for May with limited additional spaces available.

What does Australia want from an Asset Management Standard?

In June 2010, the Asset Management Council is holding a forum to consult its stakeholders.

Standards for Life Cycle Data Management

There are three standards – ISO 15926, S1000D and Epistle that deal with life cycle data management.

Introducing the Queensland Chapter Committee

Ever wondered who is behind the scenes, volunteering their expertise and time, to help the Asset Management Council provide quality services to its members and industry community?