Asset management is fundamental to achieving the desired value from your assets. It intersects with many aspects of the business, from risk management to balance sheets.

A common understanding of asset management supports better communication within your organisation and with external stakeholders. Frameworks provide a basis for making effective asset decisions and systematically managing assets through their life cycles.

The Asset Management Council has developed several models to provide common frameworks and define the elements necessary for successful asset management, including:

  • The Asset Management Concept Model, which presents the principles for successful asset management at the highest level within an organisation
  • The Asset Management System Model, which illustrates the key components of an Asset Management System and how they interrelate
  • The Capability Delivery Model, which depicts a typical set of asset management processes for each asset and how they connect across the asset’s life

Understanding these models helps you achieve the benefits of effective asset management in your organisation.

For more detail, check out this webpage: