How to get executive support for asset management change

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Date:  Thursday, 31 March 2022
Time: 4.45pm – 5.45pm AEST
Place: Online, register to be sent your link
Cost: Free for AMCouncil members, otherwise $50
Earn: 1 CPD point

Failing to get the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) support for business change is often the main reason that your great asset management plan remains a great idea, but fails to launch.

Whether you’re starting on a program of transactional improvement, or looking to embed transformational change, any success will be short-lived if the entire organisation is not aligned to the benefits that the program will deliver. All business change activities require leadership to succeed. And if that change affects the entire enterprise, as asset management (AM) undoubtedly does, then all levels of the enterprise must have the mandate to lead that change activity when required, and the autonomy to exercise that leadership.

But without the confirmation of the change mandate from the ELT, lasting success will be an almost impossible challenge.

The AM team have a leadership role to play to “push up” to the ELT and create the awareness of what can be achieved through an investment in improved AM. And if done in a way that appeals to the ELT, the AM team can secure the support they need and “push down” to the next levels of change leaders throughout the enterprise.

But how do you approach the ELT and convince them to give you the support you need?

The presenter has 25 years of successes and failures in gathering executive support and will share what has worked, and just as importantly what to avoid.

The session will cover key preparation and presentation tactics to improve your chance of success including:

  • What should be considered when planning to approach the executive team
  • The impact of individual culture and organisational culture
  • ELT behaviour and how to be prepared
  • Tactics to use to elicit the outcome you’re after

About the Speaker:

Jamie Maslen is the Executive Director for Asset Management with WSP Australia, a long-standing member of the Asset Management Council’s Body of Knowledge team and Editorial Board Member for the Infrastructure Asset Management Journal with the Institute of Civil Engineers UK. He specialises in leading business transformation projects and programmes of work for asset management improvement, often leading to the certifiable implementation of ISO 55001 and AMAF compliant Asset Management Systems.

He has worked with various government agencies covering Defence, Environment, Emergency Services, Arts and Culture, the Justice System, and Finance. He is now assisting government and private organisations to appreciate their position on their asset management journey, develop their technical improvement plans, and overlay a people centric approach that brings the enterprise on the journey.


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