AMPEAK 17 preparations are well underway for April 2nd – 5th in Brisbane which is to be Chaired by Dr Monique Beedles. Information about the International AMPEAK 17 conference themed Global Issues Local Solutions – Advancing the Big Questions in Asset Management can be found on the AMPEAK17 website

The call for papers has been launched and we will be in need of abstract reviewers. If you are able to provide your time and expertise during November 2016 to review 5 – 10 abstracts and you have the technical expertise – we would very much like to hear from you.

If you are interested could you please fill in your details online and select which theme you would be willing to review Alternatively, if you have a colleague who you think would make a good abstract reviewer we’d appreciate it if you passed this link on to them.

Many thanks for your ongoing support of the AMCouncil and we look forward to working with you again.