Why is asset management important?

Why is asset management important for your organisation?

Asset management encompasses the life cycle management of assets to achieve your organisation’s objectives. When implemented effectively, it ensures your assets deliver the desired value for your stakeholders.


Update of the Asset Management Fundamental’s Course

The Asset Management Council called for Expressions of Interestand a number of AM Council members were invited to Tender. The quality of responses was fantastic, and Asset Management Consulting Limited (AMCL) was the successful tenderer. The Asset Management Council looks forward to working with AMCL personnel in the coming months to bring the project to fruition by December 2013.

For further information please contact Mo Barghash, Projects Manager at mo.barghash@amcouncil.com.au

Review and Update of Asset Management Fundamentals Program – Contract Expression of Interest

The Asset Management Council is inviting you to register your interest in reviewing and updating the current Asset Management Fundamentals program.

The AM Council’s Asset Management Fundamentals (AMF) program is a one-day training course, delivered Australia wide, which offers an overview of asset management, providing participants with an understanding of the fundamentals and components of asset management, as well as illustrating how business’ can benefit from effective asset management capability.
