Planning Paramount for Imminent Asset Management Industry Standards

john_hardwick_sThe Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) recently came together on the Gold Coast Australia to progress the global projects being developed by the GFMAM and to discuss the international standard for Asset Management.

John Hardwick, who was recently appointed Chairman of the GFMAM said “The asset management discipline has rapidly grown over the past ten years and a number of approaches and models have been developed across the world. The GFMAM projects will support the common approach that the international Standard will provide and will equip organisations to begin the move towards this new approach.”


Congratulations to Competition Winner “How Many Capabilities Does a Pencil Have?”

A capability is the inherent function of a physical asset or organisation. To enable a consistent approach, Capabilities are usually described as Verb Noun set.  In that way also, Capabilities can be readily associated with the required Output (the second Key Principle of asset management) and the Level of Assurance (the third Key Principle).

So how many capabilities or functions does the pencil photographed have? redpencil

As a start, consider that the pencil, its functions/output and Level of Assurance can be described in the following way, namely:

  • As kindling for fire – thus the function is “supply heat” with an associated performance of “150 BTUs” with a confidence of 95% probability that the output will be delivered, when required.
  • As an implement to write – thus the function is “provide a legible mark” with an associated performance of “0.2mm in width and 4km length” with a confidence of 95% probability that the output will be delivered, when required.


Report on the 1st meeting of ISO PC251 Asset Management Committee

From 28 February – 4 March 2011, the first meeting of the International Standards Organisation Project Committee ISO PC251 was held in Melbourne, Australia.  

The ISO PC251 Committee’s role is to develop the proposed ISO Standard for Asset Management and was established in August 2010 by the ISO Technical Management Board (ISO/TMB). The Committee includes representatives from 23 peak asset management organisations including Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Japan, USA, France, UK, Portugal, Sweden, and Netherlands – all of whom opted in to support the proposed Standard.
