ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2006 papers now online


Asset Management Council members can log in to the members-only area of the website and now access the ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2006 papers. Recently uploaded to the members-only area of the website, members can download and read a wide ranging variety of technical information from over 130 delivered papers.


Emerging Standards at the ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011

Take the opportunity to debate with key members of the Standard Project teams.  Join us at the ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011 for an entire day devoted to the Emerging Standard.  Have your questions answered and have your say on the development of the ISO Standard.

Highlights include:

PANEL SESSION:  “Feedback on the ISO Standard” – an opportunity for Q&A for Asset Management Council Members and Stakeholders
Speakers include representatives from:  Institute of Asset Management and Asset Management Council


AMBoK Glossary Upgrade


The Asset Management Council Glossary provides individuals who are working within a management systems environment with a set of standardised definitions useful for contracts, processes and developing consistent frameworks.


Development of an International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Asset Management Standard

In 2004, the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) sponsored the development of PAS 55, a publicly available specification for the optimised management of physical assets. PAS 55 provides clear definitions and a 28 point specification for establishing and verifying an integrated, optimised, whole-life management system for all types of physical assets. PAS 55 was revised in 2008.
