ISO Asset Management Standard Stakeholder Forum

Stakeholder Forum hosted by the Australian Water Association, 22 November

Many of you may be aware of the proposal to develop an international standard in Asset Management. The process of development of the standard began in July 2010 and involves input from relevant stakeholders from every continent.


What does Australia want from an Asset Management Standard?

Australia’s participation in the development of an international standard for asset management sees a team of representatives from peak Australian bodies forming an ‘Australian Development Team’. The role of each peak body is to properly represent its constituency and also to effectively communicate and discuss project progress with its stakeholders. This team has been formed, and is managed, by Standards Australia.


Life Cycle Costing Seminar Presentations – Now Online

Please check the seminar presentations HERE.


Friday, November 27th 2009
2pm to 6.30pm
Registration from 1.30pm

Maintaining Government’s Buildings and Property Portfolio – the Opportunity for Life Cycle Costing Analysis

John Gartner, Assistant Director Portfolio Planning, BMA
The WA Government has a non residential building portfolio valued at $16 billion.


ICOMS 2009 Presentations

ICOMS 2009 Presentations

Presentations from ICOMS 09 can be found on the Members only area on our

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