Asset Management Conference


From acquisition …… through design, culture and leadership …… to change management,
delivering stakeholder outcomes through effective asset management requires a balanced and strategic approach, often at a global level.
The Conference is designed to help practitioners, through selected keynote addresses from leading people, presentations on new developments and international best practices, case studies and forums. ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011 will be the Asset Management Council’s 15th annual conference. Around 300 local and overseas maintenance professionals are expected to attend three days of concentrated talks, forums and social activities. Workshops will be held on the fourth day.

Asset Management Awards

Asset Management Awards

We are an independent non-profit organisation committed to the promotion and education of optimal asset management practices in industrial, commercial, academic and government organisations.

Our vision is ’enabling benefits for all from effective use of assets‘.

ICOMS Asset Management Conference Adelaide 2010

ICOMS Asset Management Conference Adelaide 2010

Monday 21st to Thursday 24th June 2010
University of Adelaide, South Australia


ICOMS Asset Management Conference


What is the ICOMS Asset Management Conference?

The ICOMS Asset Management Conference is the Asset Management Council’s premier meeting place for asset management and maintenance professionals. Each year, speakers and delegates from across Australia and around the world come together to learn and exchange the latest technical knowledge, and to meet and network with other like-minded individuals.

Beginning in 1994 with its main focus on maintenance, the Conference now encompasses all aspects of engineering asset management, such as asset management principles, processes, configuration management, continuous improvement, demand management, integrated support, operations and maintenance and systems engineering. Also covered in the Conference are technical and managerial aspects of asset management.

This year, the ICOMS Asset Management Conference offers a variety of new ways for delegates to be involved. In addition to attending plenary keynote, full paper and short paper presentations, delegates will be able to participate in interactive panel discussions, case study round table workshops and the Asset Management Council technical group open forums. Lengthy breaks between sessions and various evening functions will provide vital opportunities for delegates to network with keynotes, speakers and other attendees.

We welcome and invite all members and supporters of the asset management profession, be they end-users, academics, consultants or providers of asset management services to participate in our 2010 ICOMS Asset Management Conference.

Who should come to the ICOMS Asset Management Conference?

Anyone who is interested in maximizing equipment reliability, increasing plant performance or enhancing company profitability through better or smarter asset management should attend the ICOMS Asset Management Conference.

Presenting at the ICOMS Asset Management Conference

There are two ways to present at the ICOMS Asset Management Conference.

Authors can submit full papers (as traditionally seen at the ICOMS Asset Management Conference) that are peer-reviewed prior to the conference and subsequently published in formal proceedings.

Alternatively, authors can submit short papers, which are checked by the Conference Technical Team to ensure that the proposed material is fresh, challenging, sound and relevant. Short papers will not be peer-reviewed or included in the official conference proceedings.

Both full and short papers must be presented by one of their authors during the conference. Please note that the call for papers is now closed for ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2010.

Industry suppliers are able to advertise their products and services by hosting a booth at the accompanying MAINTEX Trade Exhibition.

A note from the Technical Chair

The Conference Technical Organizing Committee is working hard to ensure that the final program is both engaging, distinctive and of high quality. However, we need your help. Consider becoming one of our discerning speakers. Join us as a delegate and member of the Asset Management Community. Because it is your knowledge, your experience, your insight and your willingness to participate that will make the ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2010 a time to remember.

I look forward to seeing you in Adelaide.

Jo Sikorska
The ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2010 Technical Chair

ICOMS Program

Opening speakers include:

hardwickjrgbJohn Hardwick
National Chairman of the Asset Management Council 
Executive Manager – Maintenance and Replacement Planning
Energy Australia
NSW, Australia




Paul AgarPaul-Agar-_s

Transfield Services

Paul is the Group General Manager for Asset Management & Implementation at Transfield Services.

He is responsible for identifying, developing, sharing and implementing Best Practice process in relation to Asset Management & New Business Implementation throughout Transfield Services as well as winning and implementing business in new markets and implementation and transition of new businesses & contracts & integration of acquisitions.

Paul has extensive experience in Maintenance & Asset Management, Contract & Business Management, and Change Management in various industries including Oil & Gas, Mining & Mineral Processing, Infrastructure and Facilities Services and has worked throughout the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East, and North & South America.

Paul joined Transfield Services in 1999 and has held a number of senior management roles. He is currently the Transfield Services nominated Director of the Asset Management Council.

Keynote speakers include:

Joel Leonard Joel_Leonard_photo ‘The Maintenance Evangelist’ USA

The maintenance industry is fast losing its most qualified and reliable workers – through retirement and attrition – and is not replacing them as quickly as required to avert a full-on maintenance crisis. Joel Leonard is one of the few people who has made it a personal mission to turn industry recruitment around. His zeal has earned him the nickname “maintenance evangelist,” and he plans to make all media outlets his pulpit for improving the image of this shrinking industry.

Joel Leonard is a passionate, global advocate for the cause of taking maintenance and the role of maintenance workers seriously for business profitability. His career, that has spanned teaching, consulting, senior management and public speaking, renders Joel the ideal resource to help trumpet the resolution to the Maintenance Crisis.

Born in Fremont, California Joel is a 1987 graduate of Elon University with a BS in Marketing.  A former vice-president of the Association for Facilities Engineering, Joel is taking the lead internationally in identifying, explaining and helping to solve the problem. His creative strategies to build awareness have included holding job fairs specific to the maintenance industry, writing articles, public speaking at from major conventions to high school classes, writing songs, developing an on-line TV network, contributing to National Public Radio and CNBC and now supporting Council on Competitiveness, a think-tank designed to upgrade public policies.


Keith Mottershead mottersheadk Manufacturing Services and Facilities Operations Manager Rolls Royce UK

Rolls-Royce is a global business providing power solutions for use on land, at sea and in the air. The group has a balanced business portfolio with leading positions in the civil and defence aerospace, marine and energy markets.  There are some 54,000 Rolls-Royce gas turbines in service and they generate a demand for high-value services throughout their operational lives. Rolls-Royce is a technology leader, employing 36,200 people in offices, manufacturing and service facilities in 50 countries.

Keith Mottershead is the Manufacturing Services and Facilities Operations Manager in Civil Aerospace, he has a team of 100 strong responsible for the maintenance, repair and modification of plant and assets within Civil Aerospace at the Derby group of factories also HS&E and Training & Development within Test. He led the initial roll out of TPM and was part of the team involved in developing this to the current TEM (Total Equipment Management) which is our strategic process that covers plant and equipment from concept to disposal. Keith has worked in maintenance for 24 years and been a manager for 14 years, he has worked in many areas within Gas Turbine operations from component manufacture through to whole engine testing.


Anne HoweAnne_Howe_-_photo
Chief Executive
South Australian Water Corporation
SA, Australia

Anne Howe was appointed to the position of Chief Executive of the South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water), the state’s government owned water utility, in March 2001.

Ms Howe’s career covers management in human service agencies, policy, planning and public sector reform.  During a time of great change – and the worst drought in the state’s history – she has provided leadership to SA Water, providing water to over 95% of South Australians.

Prior to SA Water, Ms Howe held a number of Chief and Senior Executive positions in the South Australian public service, served on several boards including as Chair of the State Supply Board, the National Public Works Council, and the Australian Procurement and Construction Council.

As Chief Executive of SA Water, Ms Howe is a member of the SA Water Board, and the Board’s Asset Management Committee.  Ms Howe is also a director of the Botanic Gardens & State Herbarium of South Australia, the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) and Water Quality Research Australia Ltd.  She is a member of the advisory board of the South Australian Government Financing Authority, and a member of the Stormwater Management Authority.  Anne is a member of the Government’s Water Security Council and the Government Planning and Co-ordination Committee.  She is also the State President of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia, a past president of IPAA (SA) and an IPAA National Fellow.


John Hardwickhardwickjrgb
Executive Manager – Maintenance and Replacement Planning
Energy Australia
NSW, Australia

John has a background as an Electrical Technician and Engineering with over 20 years maintenance and construction experience in the NSW Electrical Industry. He completed a Masters of Business Administration at the Australian Graduate School of Management and been appointed as Executive Manager – Maintenance and Replacement Planning with Energy Australia following seven years developing a program to identify and implement worlds best practice in maintenance requirements analysis and replacement strategies. John leads a team which is currently responsible for the development and implementation of the Network Asset Management Strategy and maintenance standards as well as the associated expenditure for all maintenance and replacement programs on Network assets in Energy Australia. As the Asset Management Business Process Owner for Energy Australia, John is also responsible for the IT requirements to support the business.

John was the Winner of the Maintenance Engineering Society of Australia’s 2002 Steve Maxwell Leadership Award and the lead for the team winning the Silver award in the 2005 Australian Maintenance Engineering Excellence Awards. John is currently the National Chair of the Asset Management Council (Maintenance Engineering Society of Australia) after spending 1 year as the Vice National Chair and 3 years as Chair of the Sydney Chapter.


Penny BurnsPenny_Burns
Principal Director
AMQ International
SA, Australia

Dr Penny Burns is Editor of “Strategic Asset Management” for managers of public sector infrastructure assets. For the last quarter of a century Penny’s life has revolved around asset management.  Not the technical, engineering variety, but the strategic decision making end of town where decisions on assets are taken, not to make the assets better, but to make the business better.  In this role she has spent several years as advisor to a Minister of Construction, Resources and Energy, advised numerous State Audit Commissions of Inquiry, researched and wrote 8 Parliamentary reports on asset renewal, established an asset management institute in Kuala Lumpur, and been on the advisory panels for numerous associations and courses in asset management.  She has consulted and advised at all levels of government as well as for the private sector, both here and overseas. Looking back, she notes that policies that have worked well in some areas did not work at all in others, that asset management has developed differently in industry and in the public sector, and that different disciplines have progressed at different rates in their overall understanding. To make sense of all of this, Penny is currently working on a “History of Asset Management” covering developments over the last 30 years.


Rolf GubnerRolf-Gubner-_s
Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering
Director Western Australian Corrosion Research Group
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Curtin University of Technology
WA, Australia

Rolf Gubner is Director of the Centre of Corrosion Education, -Education, -Research and –Technology at Curtin University. He is responsible for management and leadership of the centre, project management, educational developments, supervision of postgraduate research students and execution of government and industry sponsored research projects related to corrosion and corrosion protection. He is a Member of the Australasian Corrosion Association, NACE and is currently Vice President of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC (2009-2011). He is active in the Editorial Boards for the high-impact journals “Corrosion Science and Technology” and “Materials and Corrosion”.

Rolf Gubner arrived at Curtin University of technology after working for the past two years as Industrial Processes Department Manager, Business Area Corrosion in the Swedish Corrosion and Metals Research Institute. He has been working with microbiology influenced corrosion of sea water injection wells in the oil and gas plants and the study of organic coatings for the marine and off-shore environment.  His expertise includes management of joint industrial research and consultancy projects.

After studying for a PhD at the University of Portsmouth, UK on Accelerated Low-Water Corrosion of Carbon steel Sheet Piling structures, Rolf Gubner stayed for another two years for a Post-Doctoral Research fellowship investigating the influence of bacterial exopolymeric substances on the corrosion of stainless steels.  At the end of 1999, Rolf Gubner moved to Sweden to work for the Swedish Corrosion Institute. The institute merged with the Swedish Metals Research Institute beginning of 2006 to for the Corrosion and Metals Research Institute. The institute is a so-called industrial research institute that is performing applied research through industrial membership programmes.


The following abstracts have been accepted for review:

An Intelligent Maintenance System based on Data-driven Diagnosis and Prognosis 
Presented by: Edgar Amaya, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Asset Management and Availability Modelling      
Presented by: Khalee Field, Santos Ltd

Asset Management Implementation at Major Oil Refinery in Asia 
Presented by: Veera Anantaratikun, SKF, Asia Pacific

Computer Modelling of Maintenance Policy Change in Defence: case study
Presented by: Glen Kerr, ASC Pty Ltd, Australia

Deploying Work Management and Organisational Reform 
Presented by: Peter Durrant, Covaris Pty Ltd, Australia

Does an Asset Management Standard Already Exist?
Presented by: Jim Kennedy, Interlogis Consulting, Australia

Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Solutions for the Global Utilities Sector 
Presented by: Tony Saker, UMS Group Asia Pacific, Australia

Extracting the Value from Life Cycle Modeling     
Presented by: Richard Johnson, Rylson Pty Ltd, Australia

From Paper Mountain to Electronic Dashboard 
Presented by: Peter Lichfield, Mighty River Power, New Zealand

How to Improve Profitability of Metal Mills through Asset Management Services 
Presented by: Liang Dong, SKF China Ltd, China

International Network Asset Management- Information Technology Services Consortium (NAMITS)  
Presented by: Tony Saker, UMS Group Asia Pacific, Australia

Innovative Asset Data Capture – Case study of the Glenelg Recycle Water Treatment Plant & Pipeline scheme in Adelaide 
Presented by: Kevin Spoehr, United Water, Australia

Maximising the remaining life of cranes   
Presented by: Joanna Sikorska, CASWA, Australia

Mobile GIS Implementation        
Presented by: Shane Harrison, Veolia Water Australia

Modelling Tools for Predicting the Condition of Underground Sewer Network Assets
Presented by: Robert May, United Water International Pty Ltd, Australia

Periodic Inspection Optimization Models for a Repairable System Subject to Hidden Failures
Presented by Sharareh Taghipour, University of Toronto, Canada

Predicting the impact of asset performance on the punctuality of services in a metropolitan railway
Presented by: Terry Howard, Railcorp, Australia

Quantification of Cost Reduction in Asset Care using Work History
Presented by: Robin Platfoot, Covaris Pty Ltd, Australia

Reconfiguring a Primavera Planning Database
Presented by Gerard Gan, Mulgrave Engineers, Australia

Risk Analysis of Wastewater Networks Infrastructure in Adelaide Using GIS/InfoNet
Presented by: Kevin Spoehr, United Water, Australia

SF6 Emission Reduction from Electrical Equipment – A Life Cycle Approach
Presented by: Zahra Jabiri, Western Power, Australia

State Water’s Asset Management Experience     
Presented by: Glen MacKintosh, State Water Corporation, Australia

Steady State Maintenance in Rail           
Presented by: Robert Simpson, Railcorp, Australia

The relationship between planned and unplanned downtime of manufacturing equipment
Presented by George Wood, Australia

The Role of Trust and Face-To-Face Interactions in Inter-Project Knowledge Transfer
Presented by: Anna Wiewiora, QUT, Australia

Using Web 2.0 tools to facilitate knowledge transfer in complex organisational environments – A primer
Presented by: Glen Murphy, CIEAM, Australia

Conference Objective

Despite the current economic climate Australia has a number of asset replacement challenges as aged assets approach retirement, and demand for services is sustained or in some cases increases. This combined with the financial constraints being experienced provides us all with challenges about how we can sustain our businesses, and our assets, to continue to achieve the required delivery of services. The assets which enable our businesses to deliver the required services have long lifecycles, longer than the economic boom/bust cycle, longer than the tenure on a CEO or Board member, and certainly longer than a political term.

ICOMS Asset Managment Conference – Sponsor & Exhibitors packages

There are major and social sponsorship packages available.

ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2010 – SPONSORS & EXHIBITION Brochure

Entitlements for all major sponsorship packages include:
• Company name and logo in the program book.
• One complimentary conference registration
• One guest at conference dinner
• Company name on all brochures and proceedings.
• Right to appropriate printed material (pdf) in the conference USB proceedings
• Company Listing/ Links on Conference Home Page
A limited number of social functions are open to sponsorship. Entitlements for all social sponsors include:
• Printing of company name on all brochures, programmes, proceedings and web page
• Right to appropriate printed material (pdf) in the conference USB proceedings
• Sponsor supplied banner during event.

The ICOMS Asset Management Conference Exhibition 2010 will include the following sponsors:

Main Sponsor – Transfield Services

USB Sponsor – Assetivity Pty Ltd

Satchel Sponsor – CIEAM

Cocktail Function – The Asset Partnership

Why consider ICOMS as your major exhibition event?

ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2010 – SPONSORS & EXHIBITION Brochure

The Asset Management Council  invites you to participate in ICOMS 2010 in Adelaide, SA and promote your business and organisation to an expected 280 key National and International professionals and corporate decision-makers.

There are many sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at ICOMS 2010. Participation in the ICOMS 2010 trade exhibition is an ideal opportunity to display your organisation’s products, services and abilities to the delegates in an atmosphere and venue generating interest and excitement. It represents excellent value for the price of AU$3,300 (GST inclusive) per site. Sites are shown on ICOMS Exhibition Map and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The Exhibits will be complementary to the requirements of Maintenance Professionals and businesses, providing a knowledge exchange and information gathering environment where the Conference delegates will see the latest products assisting them to improve the maintenance business and contribute to the cost effective operation of their Enterprise.

To insure maximum numbers of conference attendees viewing the exhibition, all catering will be held in the exhibition area and there will be a day of public access for all local commerce and industry.

The ICOMS Asset Management Conference Exhibition 2010 will include the following exhibitors:

  • Assetivity Pty Ltd
  • ARMS Reliability Engineers
  • Asset Management Council
  • Covaris Pty Ltd
  • OMCS
  • Peerless
  • Relegen Pty Ltd
  • Rylson
  • The Asset Partnership
  • The Online Workshop Pty Ltd
  • Transfield Services

About Adelaide

Click Here to download the Adelaide Venue Map

Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was planned in 1836, by surveyor Colonel William Light. The city centre has a grid of wide streets and various squares all within 1 square mile. This centre is surrounded by a green belt of 930 hectares of parkland. The main street, King William Street, runs from north to south through Victoria Square at the heart of the city.The Torrens River runs through the centre, separating Adelaide and North Adelaide. The city is surrounded by diverse landscapes, including the Mount Lofty Ranges (Adelaide Hills) and coastal beaches.

South Australia was one of the first places in the world to give women the vote in 1894, and was the first in the world to enable women to enter Parliament. See the Women & Politics in South Australia website produced by The State Library of South Australia for more.

Adelaide, is well known for its art and theatre, claiming one of the best arts festivals in the world.

The climate is Mediterranean – with hot, dry summers and cool, mild winters. The average winter temperature is around 15C; average for summer is 29C. See the weather page for more.

Adelaide is close to the sea, with Semaphore and Port Adelaide to the north, Henley Beach and West Beach to the east, Glenelg and Brighton to the south, and even further south Onkaparinga and the Fleurieu Peninsula. The beachfront in the heart of seaside Glenelg is only 20 minutes from the city centre and 10 minutes from the domestic and international airports.

Most of Australia’s wine is produced in South Australia. The Barossa Valley is 40 kilometres long and between 5-11 kilometres wide and is a popular tourist destination. The Barossa Vintage Festival is an annual event, attracting visitors from around the world. See our what’s on section for dates.

Adelaide Airport Transfers
Adelaide Airport is 8km kilometres from the city centre and it takes approximately 15 minutes to drive. The airport services regional, domestic and international travellers in one building. The average taxi fare from the city centre to the airport is $AUD$15.  Skylink Shuttle operates between the airport, city and Interstate Rail Terminal (Keswick). The cost is $7.50 one way.  Further details can be found at or call 1300 383 783.  Alternatively, JetBus links the airport and the city and some suburbs and further information can be found at

ICOMS Asset Management Conference Sydney 2009

ICOMS Asset Management Conference Sydney 2009

1-5 June 2009

Sydney Masonic Centre (SMC)

The ICOMS conference attracts around 350 key National and International professionals in Asset Management and Maintenance Management alongICOMS Sydnet 2009 with corporate decision-makers from organisations in both the private and public sectors. The conference has a unique attendance grouping including academics, Maintenance Practitioners, Asset Managers and General Managers of asset intensive organisations as well as providers of specialist engineering consulting services.

Local ICOMS 2009 Committee

John Hardwick is the 2008 Sydney Chapter Chair, a member of the AMC Board and the 2009 Chairman (elect). John has over 25 years experience in electrical utilities and led EnergyAustralia’s move into maintenance and asset management. A regular participant in ICOMS since 2001, John brings a unique ability to bring both the technical and the people factors together in building a successful asset mMasonic Centreanagement based implementation.

Gary Winsor is the Sydney Chapter Secretary, and has over 28 years experience with maintenance and asset management in rail and electrical utilities. Gary has participated in ICOMS since his first paper in 1998 and brings to the conference a wealth of experience in maintenance management, reliability and asset modeling.

Danny Azavedo is the International Chapter Chair and the Treasurer of the Sydney Chapter. Danny has been a member of AMC/MESA since it was formed, a member of the Sydney ICOMS 2004 conference team, and brings with him 35 years of local and overseas experience in the manufacturing, heavy construction and water utilities. Danny will be our host for our overseas visitors to the conference.

John, Gary and Danny are supported on the local Chapter ICOMS team by AMC members Terry Howard, Robert Sloan, Steve Buncombe and Dan Vultureanu.

ICOMS 2009 Keynote Speakers

Nancy Regan

The Force Inc, Alabama USA

Nancy Regan is the founder and President of The Force, Inc. Nancy graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1994 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering. She was a US Navy civilian employee for seven years during which time she completed Naval Aviation Maintenance Officer School and served as a T-45 structural engineer. As the Team Leader for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) at the Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, NJ, Nancy instituted the RCM Program on Naval Aviation Common Support Equipment. In 2001 she founded The Force, Inc. She has over 12 years experience facilitating RCM analyses, conducting RCM training, and assisting customers in implementing RCM programs. Amongst the projects she has facilitated is the CH-47D Chinook Helicopter, the US Army’s heavy lift helicopter.
The Team Approach to the Development of Life Cycle Management Strategies
Whether an asset is new or has been in use for decades, responsible physical asset management means ensuring that the asset meets the needs of the community that depends on it. This requires safe, cost effective, and technically defensible Life Cycle Management Strategies.
There are many factors that influence an asset’s performance such as the proactive maintenance it receives. But there are a multitude of other dynamics such as operating procedures, technical publications, training programs, equipment design, supply issues, operating environment, and operational tempo. The identification of Life Cycle Management Strategies includes all these elements.
The best way to achieve this is to adopt a facilitated team approach. A diverse team of experts, including those most intimate with the operating environment, meets in a formal setting bringing together a blend of experience, judgment, and technical data. This ensures that the system is analyzed not only from the viewpoint of its design but from the perspective of how it must function in its operating environment. Nancy Regan will detail this team approach and illustrate its power by offering clear examples from her own work.

Stuart Gibson

Transfield Services, Victoria Australia

Stuart Gibson is Group General Manager of Asset Management at Transfield Services.
He is also a Board Member of the Asset Management Council.
He has significant practical experience implementing asset management in North and South America, Asia, New Zealand and Australia across industries ranging from, mining and mineral processing, oil and gas, manufacturing, power generation and transmission, telecommunications, fresh and waste water, road and rail.
Intelligent Cost Reduction Through Asset Management: A Case Study
Times are tough and almost everyone is talking about reducing costs. It is in this environment that I start to hear executives asking one of the world’s dumbest questions – “If I accept a lower level of reliability in my assets, how much can I save in my maintenance costs?” While there are exceptions to every rule, it is our experience that for most assets we come across, maintenance costs get a lot higher when we allow reliability to slip. Rather than sacrificing our reliability program now is the time to redouble our efforts and expand the scope of programs in order to achieve intelligent cost reduction that meet the new business objectives. Taking examples from a number of Transfield Services’ sites this presentation will show how using a systematic approach to brown field asset management has delivered substantial and rapid one off cost reductions and yet still delivered continuing year on year reductions into the future

Roger Byrne

Roger Byrne & Associates, Victoria

Roger Byrne is the International Manager of GHD’s Asset Management Group and is based in the USA with responsibility for the Americas, UK and Europe. He has written many texts on asset management and has assisted in the development of a quality framework, manuals / guidelines and associated tools that are assisting councils around the world to implement cost effective improvement strategies. He was the principal author of the original Australian Manual (1993) the principal draft author of the Advanced AM Manual (New Zealand 1997) and the International Infrastructure Management Manual 2000 & 2005 working with both the Australian & NZ NAMS teams and now in the USA and UK.
What Does a Sustainable Business Look Like & What Should Your Role Be In It ?

Larry WoodlandLarry Woodland

Larry is currently a Director of AssetFuture Pty Ltd involved in the development and implementation of the asset strategic management tools and whole of life planning systems for clients in the Public and Industrial sectors.
Larry has worked with industry and governments at the Federal, State and Local Government levels developing strategic asset management plans and Whole of Life asset plans up to 100 years. Larry was the key author of the Queensland Government Asset Management System (GAMS) and the Total Asset Management guidelines for Brisbane City Council, design and development of the Education Qld, Capital Works Management system including assignments with clients in Belgium, Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Brazil.
Larry worked twenty years with BHP Steel Port Kembla in various positions including Chief Maintenance Engineer and Chief Design. Larry is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers AUST, CP Eng.
Whole of Life Planning the Essential Component of Asset Management

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ICOMS 2009 Papers

Click to Download PDF

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ICOMS 2009 Sponsors

Principal Sponsor and Gala Dinner Sponsor:

Transfield Services

Transfield Services

USB Proceedings Sponsor:

Assetivity Pty Ltd

Assetivity Pty Ltd

Welcome Function Sponsor:


Satchel Sponsor:


Morning Tea Sponsor:

Evans & Peck – Tuesday, 2 June.

Currie & Brown – Wednesday 3 June & Thursday 4 June.


Programmed Facility Management

Afternoon Tea Sponsor:

CQUniversity – Partners with Industry

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ICOMS 2009 Exhibitors

Exhibition Booth Number ICOMS 2009 EXHIBITORS

1 & 2

Transfield Services
Scott Robertson, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Asset Management Council & Conference Registration Desk


The Asset Partnership
Stephen Young, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


The Online Workshop
Geoffrey Montgomery, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Capability by Design
David Coyle, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


OMCS International
Steve Turner, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Covaris Pty Ltd
Robin (Bob) Platfoot, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Initiate Action
Phillip Slater, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Assetivity Pty Ltd
Sandy Dunn, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Peerless Industrial Systems
Nick Subotsch, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


RCR Engineering
Wes Hall, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Glen Murphy, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


University of Wollongong
Richard Dwight, \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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About Sydney

Bursting with character, Sydney is a vibrant city with spectacular landmarks including the Harbour and its Harbour bridge, the Opera House, the historic Rocks area, Circular Quay, Darling Harbour and popular Bondi Beach – one of the many fabulous beaches that Sydney is famous for.Climate : Sydney’s oceanic climate means warm summers and mild winters, with a temperature range between nine and sixteen degrees Celsius in winter and up to an average peak of 26 degrees Celsius in summer. May 11-19, June 9-16 Celsius °C

To and From Airport

Located in Mascot NSW, Sydney Airport is approximately 8km from the central CBD. Sydney Airport is easily accessible by all modes of transport including car, train, taxi or bus.

Travel to the City

There are rail stations located at both the International and Domestic Terminals. Airport Link is a fast and convenient way to reach the centre of Sydney. Trains run approximately every 10 minutes and the journey into the city takes only 13 minutes. The international and domestic rail stations link directly to the City Circle which means most city destinations are within a short walk of stations.For more information on fares, maps and travel planners visit the Airport Link website or phone +61 2 8337 8417.

Join the Partner Program and see Sydney


  • Monday:

Pre Conference Tour of NSW Art Gallery and Botanic Gardens walk to Mrs Macquarie’s Chair. The Art Gallery of New South Wales is the leading museum of art in New South Wales and Sydney, and one of Australia’s foremost cultural institutions.
Back to the SMC for the Cocktail reception function.

  • Tuesday:

A visit to the Sydney Aquarium, followed by a Cruise of Sydney Harbour with a delicious Seafood lunch. After the cruise a visit to Sydney Wildlife World, followed by free shopping time. Sydney Aquarium is a must-see, and one of the best things to do in Sydney. Walk under water and explore Australia’s rich and
diverse aquatic life and habitats. Sydney Harbour Cruise aboard Sydney’s flagship MV Sydney
2000. Enjoy stunning harbour views a comprehensive commentary and a delicious seafood buffet lunch.
Opera House tour at Circular Quay, then to the Sydney Harbour Bridge for a view of the Harbour at Pylon Lookout. A visit to the Rocks, Susannah Place Museum and Kendall Place discovery museum.
Back to your hotel to rest up for the Gala Dinner.

  • Thursday:

Sydney Tower Lookout, then to the Town Hall to visit the Queen Victoria Building followed by a Darling Harbour Sightseeing Cruise. Centre Point Tower viewing deck takes you 250 metres above Sydney, commanding breathtaking views over one of the most beautiful cities in the world, including the Harbour Bridge and Opera House.
Back to the SMC for the Farewell function.


After Conference attractions:

· Harbour Cruises

· Museum of Contemporary Art

· Museum of Sydney

· The Sydney Explorer Bus

The bright red Sydney Explorer buses take you to Sydney sightseeing attractions all over the city on a designated route. This is a hop-on, hop-off service on one ticket. There is also a Bondi Explorer bus, which is painted blue and takes in some of Sydney’s best-known beaches. You can buy tickets at the Sydney Visitor Centre, the Sydney Ferries ticket office at Circular Quay or on the bus itself. A one day combined ticket for both buses is A$39.

Check out the following links for further information & explore Sydney

Sydney Guide –
Visitors Guide –

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Asset Management FAQ2: We are heading into, or are already in, a severe …

We are heading into, or are already in, a severe economic downturn. In a heavily resource based and hence asset intensive economy such as Australia, this will put pressure on costs and asset management activities will wear much of the pain. We are already seeing deferments and cutbacks in maintenance activities in organisations that will potentially negatively impact the long term integrity and cost of assets and hence the value these assets bring to the business. How can this vital business tool be explained and sold to boards and executives as a key tool to help them manage their businesses through and beyond the current downturn?

Plesse Click to view the PDF.