The Enhanced Problem Solving Team at Shell

Tanya Thumbnail for blogWhy do we keep solving the same problems more than once?  Traditionally problems are solved by an individual or a small team often overwhelmed by many daily problems meaning that time and attention is limited. 

Once problems are solved, the actions and solutions are typically shared with a small population with the expectation that they will be implemented.  What checks and balances are in place to ensure the correct solution?


Catch up on our recent episodes on AMC-TV!

tv 1015426 1920We’ve now just passed our fourth session in our fortnightly ‘Asset Management in Action’ series, showcasing projects from our Excellence Awards finalists during AMPEAK16 and 17. Thank you to David Scott from Wave Digital, who took the time to tell us all about their project, developing a system integration and data visualisation framework for South East Water, and to Tim Purves from Icon Water who talked us through the development of a Program of Work Balance Model.
