10 days until Student Award Nominations due

_MG_1863Each year, the Asset Management Council celebrates and highlights student innovation in the field of asset management through its Student Awards program. Students may enter one or more of three Award categories; Undergraduate Student, Postgraduate Student or Postgraduate Research.

From left to right: Sharareh Taghipour, University of Toronto, 2010 Postgraduate Research Award; Paul Websdane, Monash University, 2010 Postgraduate Student Award; Samantha Haines, The University of Western Australia, 2010 Undergraduate Student Award.


Nominations for the 2011 Asset Management Student Awards now open

_MG_1828Each year, the Asset Management Council celebrates and highlights student innovation in the field of asset management through its Student Awards program. Students may enter one or more of three Award categories; Undergraduate Student, Postgraduate Student or Postgraduate Research.

Samantha Haines, recipient of the 2010 Undergraduate Student Award


Asset Management Awards – one week until Intention to Submit forms due


Recipients of the 2010 Asset Management Awards (l – r) – BHP Billiton WA Iron Ore; Transfield Services; Airservices Australia; CS Energy Ltd.

Now in its 15th year, the Asset Management Awards continues to provide organisations with an industry recognised and valid mechanism to measure continuous improvement in asset management.

Learn more about the Asset Management Awards, including its benefits, what applicants receive and how to apply by Friday 25 February 2011 with the following FAQ’s…
