Braving the Storm: Celebrating Unity at the Asset Management Council’s Canberra Chapter Year-End Gathering

We’re thrilled to share a snapshot from the Asset Management Council’s Canberra Chapter end-of-year celebration, a memorable evening held at the renowned Capital Brewery. Sheltering under a marquee to avoid the incoming storm, the photo captures a moment of camaraderie and industry connection, featuring (from left to right) Gary Pearce, Adam Hassan, Ed Gralton, and Rich Windsor. Despite the weather’s challenges, their spirits remained undampened, highlighting the resilience and strong community bonds within our industry.


The Future of Asset Management: Insights from Perth’s Networking Event

The world of asset management is vast, dynamic, and ever-evolving. For young professionals stepping into this realm, the journey can be both exciting and daunting. Recognizing the need for guidance, mentorship, and networking, the Asset Management Council Perth Chapter recently organised a special event in collaboration with Water Corporation: “Where Asset Management Can Take You.”
