AMCouncil visits HMNZS Otago

National Chair AM Council Toby Horstead, recently visited our AMCouncil Corporate Member Babcock for a tour of the Davenport Naval base in New Zealand, on 20 April where he was shown their application of asset management to the sustainment of the NZ Navy ships.

Toby was provided a briefing and presentation and met the Babcock onsite leadership team. Jon Irving of the NZ Chapter Committee then showed Toby around their work at the base and also specifically HMNZS Otago.


Announcing 2023 Perth Chapter Committee

Thank you to all who nominated to join the AMCouncil Perth Chapter Committee. All nominations were accepted at the chapter’s March Annual General Meeting. Ankur Maheshwari (Chapter Chair), Adam Rotapel (Vice-Chair) and Pooja Haria (Secretary) who were elected last year in 2022 for a 2-year term remain in position.


Announcing 2023 Melbourne Chapter Committee

Thank you to all who nominated to join the AMCouncil Melbourne Chapter Committee. All nominations were accepted at the chapter’s March Annual General Meeting and Andrew Sarah (Chapter Chair), Dianne Scheepers and Nicole Opie (Co-Vice Chairs) and Sharon Michael (Secretary) who were elected last year in 2022 for a 2-year term remain in position.

The Melbourne Chapter Committee for 2023 is as follows:


Announcing 2023 Adelaide Chapter Committee

Following election for the positions of all Adelaide Chapter positions at the chapter’s March AGM, the Chapter is delighted to confirm that Michael Nicholas and Jack Nelson have been re-elected as the Adelaide Chapter Chair and Secretary respectively.

The above join re-elected committee members Shane Bissmire, Mae-Ryn Chong, Bill Filmer and Andrew Wilson, along with newly elected committee member Luke Dix. Welcome, Luke.

Announcing 2023 Brisbane Chapter Committee

Thank you to all who nominated to join the AMCouncil Brisbane Chapter Committee. All nominations were accepted at the chapter’s 8 March Annual General Meeting and the re-election of Ella Hingston as Chapter Secretary was confirmed. Sparshy Rablin (Chapter Chair) and Stephen Walker (Vice-Chair) who were elected last year in 2022 for a 2-year term remain in position.
