AMPEAK 19 Perth – Call for Papers

call for paper 2019We would like to invite professionals, students and organisations from asset intensive industries and academia to apply to present their asset management technical and research developments at AMPEAK19 Asset Management Conference 2019


Only 1 week to AMPEAK

Have you got your ticket to AMPEAK as yet? Details and registration available online

Do you want to attend this year’s not-to-be-missed AMPEAK conference but need some assistance gaining the buy-in from your manager to send you? Read on. This is how, in three easy steps:


AMPEAK18 Call for Full Paper Reviewers

We are looking for AMCouncil members with 10 or more years experience in the Asset Management Industry to undertake full peer review of papers for AMPEAK18. Reviewers need to be available to undertake peer review of paper(s) from March 13th 2018. Each review will attract continuing professional development points. Please register your interest here.