Summary of the ISO Standards Stakeholders’ Consultation Forum

On Tuesday 26 July 2011, the Asset Management Council together with the Australian Water Association, Water Services Association Australia and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia held an ISO Asset Management Standards Stakeholders’ Consultation Forum in Sydney.

The Forum was well attended, with over 70 stakeholders present for the afternoon session. Beginning the forum were formal presentations by key leaders involved in the formation of the ISO Asset Management Standard suite, followed by an open discussion to allow stakeholders to voice their concerns and hear how their concerns will be addressed within the proposed Standard.

Here are some of the questions and answers that were minuted from the Forum….


People’s Choice Best Paper Award, ICOMS 2011

The ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011 People’s Choice Award for the best conference presentation, as voted by conference delegates, was won by Dr Nik Nikolovski and Franc Spinelli for their paper “Asset Strategy Development Using Defect Elimination Principles”. This presentation is available to download from the member’s only area of the website, while a copy of the full paper can be found on the USB of Conference Proceedings.

Announcing our current list of ICOMS Sponsors and Exhibitors

The Asset Management Council is pleased to announce the current list of sponsoring and exhibiting organisations for the 2011 ICOMS Asset Management Conference.

Thank you for your support of the conference and your commitment to the continual advancement of asset management knowledge and practices.

Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities are still available leading up to the Conference.


Continued momentum – Chairman’s Letter February 2011

This editorial covers:john_hardwick_s

  • Looking Back: Progresses and Achievements 2006-2010 review of the progresses and achievements made during the past 5 years
  • Strategic Report 2011-2015 now available for members and non-members
  • Board Meeting update from 8 February Board Meeting held in Melbourne
