by Kai | Jul 4, 2011 | FAQs
Security of online payment: all online payments are via Bendigo Bank’s payment gateway and processed on SSL secure page hosted on Bendigo bank No credit card information is saved on AM Council’s system.
1. Go to your order detail page. Click Here to find out how.
2. Click on Pay Online at the payment option part.

3. Then you will be redirect to the Bendigo Bank Payment Gateway page. It’s a secure payment gateway provided by Bendigo Bank and MasterCard. Then select your card type.

4. Fill in your card detail in the following page and click on pay.

5. Bendigo Bank Payment Gateway will process your payment. It might take a few seconds. Do not close your browser, you will be redirect to Asset Management Council website.

6. If your payment get through, your order status at the order detail page will become “Paid” and related services will be activated by the system or later by our staff.

If payment failed, your payment attempt will be recorded and you can click on “Pay Online” to pay again.

by Kai | Jul 4, 2011 | FAQs
The Board of the Asset Management Council is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information which the organisation collects, holds and administers. Personal information is information which directly or indirectly identifies a person.
by Kai | Feb 6, 2011 | FAQs
Instructions for On-Line Examination
1. Login on the If you have forgotten your username/Password, please Click Here.
2. Once logged in, click on My Event on the left menu.
by Kai | Sep 27, 2010 | FAQs
1. On your order detail page, click on “Fax/Mail”. Then a printable page with your order infomation will pop up.(Click Here to find out how to check your order detail)
by Kai | Sep 27, 2010 | FAQs
how to use the online store
1. Click on Store on the left menu.

2. Click on “Add To Shopping Cart”. If you are not login, you will be redirect to the login page. Click Here if you forget your password.

3. At the Shopping Cart page, you can update product quantity or remove product.

Click on Back to Store to keep shopping or Place Order to process to the payment stage.
Please Note, you need to click on “Place Order” to save your order and process to payment.
Related FAQ:
by Kai | Sep 27, 2010 | FAQs
1. Login
2. Click on “My Orders” on the left menu. All your orders will be listed.

3. Click “View”, you will be able to see the order detail.