Cyber Security & Asset Management Standards in the Australian Mining and Minerals Industry

Survey invitation – a study to expand awareness and promote best practice

Highly sophisticated cyber-attacks are proliferating at an alarming pace worldwide, yet some industries are exposed to higher risks than others. The nature of the mining industry, for instance, enhances the magnitude of risk as a cyber-attack could easily result in the loss of life.


Data and Decision-making

Data is a critical asset that can determine a business’s success, when integrated with asset management frameworks and appropriate tools.  

Given the amount of data available, it is easy for some organisations to feel overwhelmed. The challenges presented by data, particularly when attempting to move it from an afterthought to a critical facet of operations can be paralysing. The various tools available to assist in extracting data can sometimes only add to the sense of paralysis.


EoI sought for web based publication ‘An Interactive Guide to Asset Data Management’

Expressions of Interest sought. Be part of the web based publication – An Interactive Guide to Asset Data Management – Closes Friday 9th April

The Data in Asset Management special interest group is writing an interactive guidance document to support asset data management aligning to the Asset Management Capability Delivery Model and Asset Management System Model.  

The document is to be written by members for members capturing experiences and sharing stories, tips and tricks to assist practitioners around 10 key themes.


Digital Twin for Earth

The European Union’s ten-year initiative, Destination Earth, involves the creation of a digital twin of earth.
The highly accurate digital model of earth will map climate development and extreme events as accurately as possible in space and time. Observational data will be continuously incorporated into the digital twin to predict possible future trajectories. Information available from the earth’s twin will be used to:


Online Asset Map

Online Asset MapDigital tools are becoming an increasingly beneficial element of asset management. Digital asset management can be approached in many different ways: an entire system designed from the ground up, or stand-alone tools that help diagnose when an asset needs maintenance or to provide alerts regarding breakdown and failure.


Data Rich, Intelligence Rich!

Data RichMany businesses can find themselves overwhelmed with data. Asset managers can also feel inundated with data. Collating vast amounts of data into asset registers or folders is one way to store and protect the valuable information. But without linking into an asset management strategy that supports long-term business goals, your business will only leak value and increase risks. Too much data and incorrect use makes the business data rich, but intelligence poor.
