Asset Renewal Decision-making

GovtGovernment departments across Australia at the local, state or federal level are faced with the complexities of when to renew assets.

Most of the public infrastructure in our nation was built in the post-WWII boom: 1950s to 1970s. With many assets having a life-cycle of between 30 – 80 years, it’s no wonder that right now, across our major cities and rural areas, we’re seeing unprecedented construction, upgrading and renewal. But renewing assets is not as simple as the asset reaching its end-of-life or reducing its functionality. Other factors must be taken into consideration, such as:


More to our parks than wide open space

GrampiansParks Victoria manages more than 28,000 assets, including facilities such as toilet blocks, parks and gardens, recreational spaces, playgrounds, piers and sporting grounds1.

Lately, there’s been a squabble over how one of Parks Victoria’s assets is being managed. What happens when there’s a dispute over managing assets? Who tells who what to do?
