Cable Car Crash – Maintenance Matters

On the 23rd May 2021, news broke around the world regarding a tragic cable car incident in Italy. The funicular line transports people from the nearby resort town of Stresa, in the northern region of Piedmont, to the popular Mottarone mountain. Fourteen people on board were killed when the car snapped off the cable, plummeting twenty metres to the ground1.


MRiAM SIG May Event (Webinar) – 20 May 21

Share or Learn – the Art of Influencing Action

Join the Asset Management Council’s Maintenance & Reliability in Asset Management (MRiAM) special interest group for a presentation on the art of influencing action, moderated by Shane Scriven, Chair, MRiAM.

Have you ever completed an investigation into the reliability of a piece of equipment or system to determine why its reliability is low only to have the solutions sit and wait for action?  It is frustrating to complete an investigation, which can take considerable time and resources depending on the complexity, only to find that it is difficult to implement the solutions due to the ownership of the actions. 


A thank you to our GFMAM AM Landscape Document Review Project Team

wilhelm gunkel L04Kczg Jvs unsplashJohn Hardwick and Dave Daines are the Asset Management Council’s representatives for the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) that is reviewing the global forum asset management landscape document.

A couple of months ago, we called for expressions of interest from our AMCouncil members as to who would be interested in contributing to this project and were overwhelmed by the number of responses. 


Quality Data supports Asset Management

It is a truth universally acknowledged that data strengthens any asset management practice. Quality data is needed to prevent assets from downtime, failures, and the overall management of the asset’s lifecyle. It is therefore an integral part of asset management, particularly in the maintenance and reliability field.
