Rigorous and regular maintenance on assets saves lives


In 2016, four lives were lost in a tragic accident at Dreamworld. The Thunder River Rapids Ride (TRRR) malfunctioned, causing the raft to flip and claim the lives of four adults within it. Two children in the raft survived.

An inquest into the deaths of Cindy Law, Kate Goodchild, Roozbeh Araghi, and Luke Dorsett was held in Queensland with the findings released by Coroner James McDougall in late February. Investigations following the incident uncovered irrefutable evidence to show that Dreamland’s poor record of safety measures and a lack of regular and rigorous maintenance procedures are to blame for the accident.


Outsourcing Maintenance in your Organisation


We seem to live in an era of outsourcing. Anything that we no longer have the time or inclination to do, we outsource. Our home cleaning, our dinners, our grocery shopping is all examples of outsourcing and how it benefits us. But what is it teaching the younger generation about ‘elbow-grease’ work or the banalities of life? And does it give us cause to wonder about the chain of standards?


Moving from Cost to Value with Asset Maintenance

Pool Closed

There is often tension between various stakeholders when it comes to the cost of maintenance of physical assets. Leadership within most organisations seeks a return on investment, and many times, it can be difficult to grasp the juggle between the cost of maintaining assets and the bottom line. There can be issues between the maintenance and operations departments, often with the two working in silos and an unhealthy level of confusion about each other’s specific tasks.


Predictive Maintenance and the path to Maturity

Predictive Maintenance

In this our fourth article on Predictive Maintenance, we look at how predictive maintenance techniques can set your business on the path to asset management maturity.

Predictive Maintenance, as we’ve seen over the last three articles, uses analytics to predict an asset’s condition, future reliability and general maintenance requirements. And we also know that maintenance increases the availability and longevity of assets and generates revenue.


Look out for the Spy Tram

Flinders St

Thank you for joining the Asset Management Council in our third article on predictive maintenance. In our previous two articles, we gained an understanding of what predictive maintenance is, and data’s role within it. Today, we follow on from the latter, with a specific example in Melbourne.

If anyone reading has ever been on a tram in Melbourne, you’ll know the network is extensive and reliable. As a tram ambles along its tracks, most passengers have their heads down staring at their phones, or nodding off to music. Some on board might be alert for Myki inspectors, ready to clamber off to avoid a fine. Given these distractions, many on board would be unaware of how the smoothness of the tracks or weeds sprouting along the track might impact a tram’s journey.


Taking a step into Predictive Maintenance

Data Better Idea

Throughout the month of December, we’re taking a closer look at predictive maintenance, with an article each week to showcase its importance in relation to asset management. If you missed the first one you can find it here, or read on to enjoy our next thrilling instalment.

As noted in our first article, predictive maintenance is all about forecasting future failures in your assets. In other words, predictive maintenance offers a view of what was previously unseeable, and therefore take maintenance operations to the next level. 

That’s all very well, but how is predictive maintenance best implemented? The answer lies in data. 
