A novel and innovative approach to condition monitoring

Iberdrola, a Spanish multinational electric utility company, is using a combination of dogs and robots to monitor its solar plants. The company is employing specially trained dogs to detect and locate any potential faults in the solar panels at its facilities. The dogs are trained to identify the odour of overheating electrical components, which can help prevent fires and other safety hazards.


January Meeting Point out now

AMCouncil January Meeting Point e-news is out now, packed with all the latest and greatest AMCouncil happenings and news from the past month, including links to some great technical articles, news, interviews and announcements. Check your inboxes now!

Take the AMCouncil Stakeholder Survey for your chance to win a ticket to AMPEAK

We want to know what you, as a stakeholder of the Asset Management Council, think. We need to know how we can better serve you and the asset management community at large, as well as get your thoughts on the current state of the asset management profession.

This survey will take approximately 15 – 20 minutes to complete and closes 24 February 2023. As a thankyou for your time, you can choose to go into the draw to win a ticket to AMPEAK 2023 worth $2,120 and being held between 2-5 April in Sydney.
