GFMAM at Maintcon Nov22

AMCouncil is represented at the GFMAM November 22 meeting in Bahrain by Dave Daines and John Hardwick.  Members of the GFMAM are participating in Maintcon, the annual conference of the GSMR during last week in November 22 and assembled for a photo opportunity.

Take a look at some of the work of the GFMAM here.


October Meeting Point out now

AMCouncil October Meeting Point e-news is out now, packed with all the latest and greatest AMCouncil happenings and news from the past month, including links to some great technical articles, news, interviews and announcements. Check your inboxes now!

Shifting the Dial: Today’s Decisions for Tomorrow’s Outcomes

Thank you to all who came, supported and participated in the AMCouncil’s government asset management symposium on Friday. Chaired by Rami Affan of the Asset Management Council’s Government in Asset Management special interest group, it was a great opportunity to network and share with peers within government and across industries, an ideal forum to discuss today’s decisions for tomorrow’s outcomes.
