Members Invitation to Vote – 2024 Board Elections

In accordance with the Constitution of the Asset Management Council nominations were called for the position of Director on the AMCouncil Board of Directors.

Three candidates have successfully nominated for one position of Director which becomes vacant at the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM). Voting is now open and closes at 5pm AEST on Friday 12th April 2024. 


Elevate Your AMCouncil Experience: Open Committee Positions Await Your Expertise

The Asset Management Council’s commitment to fostering a community of professionals dedicated to sharing expertise, insights, and best practices is stronger than ever. We are excited to announce that nominations are now open for several positions across our AMCouncil Chapters. This is a unique opportunity for professionals passionate about asset management to step forward and contribute to the growth and development of the field.


Interested in being a Mentor?

The AMCouncil is currently preparing to introduce a new mentor-mentee matching system. This initiative aims to connect mentors with mentees, facilitating valuable professional relationships within the asset management community. We are actively seeking experienced and passionate individuals to enrich our mentor pool. Whether you’re a newcomer to the AMCouncil or have been involved in past mentoring efforts, we invite you to submit your details here.

Call for EOI – Volunteer to represent AMCouncil on Standards Australia MB-19 Asset Management Committee

Call for EOI – Volunteer to represent AMCouncil on Standards Australia MB-19 Asset Management Committee

The AM Council is seeking a volunteer member to represent AMCouncil on the MB-19 Asset Management Committee which is the Australian mirror committee for the ISO/TC251Asset Management Standards Committee. The position has become available due to the retirement of the current incumbents term.


AI Used to assist Road Asset Management in UK

University of Liverpool in conjunction with industry has developed a robot which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify potential potholes. The robot is an autonomous road repair system (ARRS) which identifies cracks or potholes and then fills them to prevent further water intrusion into the pavement materials and thus further deterioration. This technology is to be trailed on local roads in Hertfordshire UK later in the year.
Read the full article at this link