by Kai | Apr 26, 2021 | WiAM News
The AMCouncil’s Women in Asset Management (WiAM) special interest group (SIG) welcomes Ella Hingston into the WiAM organising committee. Ella joins fellow WiAM committee members: Lucie Mitchell (WiAM Chair), Dr Carla Boehl, Nicola Daaboul, Dr Monique Beedles, Mae-Ryn Chong, Di Scheepers, Wendy McPate, Lidia Pajmakoska, Ellie Kallianis and Helen Carroll, who are working hard behind the scenes on their program for the remainder of 2021.
by Kai | Mar 7, 2021 | WiAM News

In honour of International Women’s Day 2021, we checked in with a few of the AMCouncil’s Women in Asset Management (WiAM) special interest group and asked them what asset management means to them. Check out the video below.
by Kai | Oct 28, 2020 | WiAM News
Last week, our Women in Asset Management special interest group hosted the Sydney Chapter Asset Management Council webinar – Lidija Dumbaloska, Professional Head, Electrical Engineering, Engineering & System Integrity, Sydney Trains joined with Alan Skofic, Principal Engineer, Substations, Sydney Trains provided the virtual audience with a comprehensive deep dive in to Electrical Initiatives and strategies that have commenced and are implemented on a rail network.
by Kai | Mar 6, 2020 | WiAM News
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. To celebrate, let’s take a look at our top three AMCouncil webinars broadcasted throughout recent times by our Women in Asset Management special interest group (WiAM). We hope you enjoy them.
by Kai | Jan 30, 2020 | WiAM News

Having a chat is something I love to do. I’m curious by nature, I’m interested in other people, and being in a job where I can combine my loquacious personality with my other favourite activity, writing, makes me a pretty happy camper. So, in late October, I was delighted to sit with Sally Jones, Manager of Asset Management at Victoria’s Country Fire Authority—better known as the CFA—to interview her for a post relating to our Women in Asset Management Special Interest Group.
by Kai | Aug 6, 2019 | WiAM News
In last week’s Women in Asset Management webinar discussion Tim Reardon, Secretary of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet explored what asset management means to NSW Government, how it adds value for the community, how we can harness new technologies and innovation to deliver value and why people, especially women, should be excited to work in asset management in the public sector.