Repurposing Sydney’s Rocks

Sydney WiAM 18 October 3 fixOn the 18th October 2018, the NSW Women in Asset Management (WiAM) Special Interest Group hosted its second Sydney Chapter event; Miriam Stacy (Place Management, Property NSW) gave a thoroughly absorbing presentation on the role she and her team plays in repurposing heritage-listed property assets in The Rocks area of Sydney. 


Happy International Mentoring Day

mentor 2062999 1920We hope all the mentors and mentees in our Women in Transport Asset Management Mentoring Program had a great day on Saturday with it being International Mentoring Day! Since our pilot program is focused around progressing Women in the Transport space, we thought it apt to revisit a webinar the AMCouncil’s special interest group, Women in Asset Management (WiAM), hosted last year.


Women in Engineering News

WiE newsRead the latest Women in Engineering newsletter out which includes articles about Women of the Month, Victoria Dodds, WIE representation at the National Schools Science Week and also an interesting recount of the WIE Senior Women in Engineering Lunch feating Dr Collette Burke, Victorian Chief Engineering, who were were lucky enough to have speak at our recent Asset Management in Government symposium. A great read and can be downloaded here.

New WiAM National Chair

Lucie MitchellThe AMCouncil is delighted to announce that Lucie Mitchell has been elected as the Women in Asset Management SIG National Chair. The AMC would like to extend its sincere thanks to Felicia Tristanto, outgoing WiAM National Chair, for all her time and effort over the last three years.

A great chance to get to know more about Lucie is to join her in next Tuesday’s webinar. If you haven’t already, make sure you register to join Lucie for a webinar discussion moderated by Helen Carroll around Value, and its Role in Successful Organisations.


Call for WiAM Chair

WiAMThe Asset Management Council is seeking a practitioner in asset management to serve as its National Chair for the Women in Asset Management (WiAM) Practitioners Group. The following credentials and qualities are desired:
