GFMAM Announces the Release of AM Landscape V3.0

We are excited to announce that today marks the culmination of over 2.5 years of work involving approximately 250 people from around the world, including many Asset Management Council members / volunteers. The Global Forum of Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) is pleased to release Version 3.0 of the GFMAM Asset Management (AM) Landscape.


Member Involvement Enables Highly Successful CAMA Exam

Next CAMA Exam – February 2015

‘…An international effort… 44 volunteer asset management professionals from two continents…delivered 300+ questions…without one face-to-face meeting and hit their targets…This is a model for future technical developments within the Asset Management Council…’

Deryk Anderson – CAMA Exam Director

The fantastic outcome of the CAMA Exam has unequivocally confirmed the power of Asset Management Council Chapters and Member involvement, and global team unity!

Engagement by the Asset Management Council Technical Team with Chapters throughout Australia and New Zealand for their input – as well as PEMAC – secured 44 experienced and diverse asset management practitioners from the mining, utilities, Defence, aviation, infrastructure and consulting sectors; five teams delivered critical questions that now comprise the CAMA Exam. Questions showing diversity in exploration of the process of information extraction; diversification and depth of knowledge and understanding required to deliver appropriate responses and demonstrate capabilities.

This remarkable feat was made possible by passionate involvement and contributions from volunteers, and was managed through efficient use of technology; weekly teleconferences, email submissions and demanding question reviews. Each team was tasked with establishing key questions across 85 competencies from the GFMAM Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management Auditor / Assessor. All questions underwent rigorous psychometric testing through to final selection by the Exam Director and SMRP experts.

Exam participation to-date shows 100 people having sat the CAMA Exam across Australia, Canada and Brazil. Globally acknowledged as a great step forward for the Asset Management Community, this successful launch shows Australia’s leadership in global asset management. CAMA is also recognised throughout France and the USA.

Compliance with the ‘Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management Auditor and Assessor’; ensures that successful applicants have the minimum required asset management knowledge to be an ISO 55001 assessor. This requires compliance with the following, all of which are covered by the CAMA Exam:

  • ISO 55001: Asset management – Management systems – Requirements
  • ISO 17021-5: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems
  • ISO 19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems.

Through popular demand a third CAMA Exam will be offered in Australia in February 2015.

For more information and to register your interest contact:

For information on how to work on similar projects in the future:

The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Asset Management Council CEO Sally Nugent, please contact Madeleine at or on +613 9819 2515

Get Involved in Your Local Asset Management Council Chapter

Build your network, knowledge and career!

Twelve Asset Management Council Chapters in capital cities and key regional areas throughout Australia deliver an array of events, presentations and meetings; plus an international online Chapter which provides diverse digital content, so members can stay connected with the greater asset management community wherever they are!

Chapters are the fundamental building blocks of the Asset Management Council; the main link with the asset management community; allowing for great networking opportunities, acquisition of knowledge and education, and a key opportunity to enhance your career. They are the mechanism through which the AM Council engages with its stakeholders on a face-to-face level to both obtain and impart critical information.

Each Chapter’s elected committee is responsible for organising a Calendar of Events; volunteers who selflessly give their time, professional experience and industry know-how, whilst still managing their own careers within the asset management sector.

Larger Chapters (Perth, Melbourne and Sydney) hold a range of monthly meets comprising panels and discussion forums, technical sessions and seminars, site visits, and Annual General Meetings, in order to have input to the Asset Management Council’s strategic plan. They also host major events such as National Symposiums and AMPEAK Asset Management Conferences.

Recent event topics have included: ISO 5500X, AM Certification; ‘Transforming your Outcomes through Asset Management,’ ‘AM Journey to Excellence,’ and ‘Tools and Resources in Asset Management’

Chapter locations:

Adelaide ( 

Brisbane (

Canberra (

Gippsland (

Melbourne (

Newcastle (

New Zealand (

Perth (

Sydney (

Tasmania (

Plus an online, interactive international chapter (

Why join an AM Council Chapter?

  • Continuous Professional Development recognised by Engineers Australia
  • Discussions on current asset management issues
  • Opportunities to stay up to date and challenge your thinking
  • Learn about current industry practises
  • Opportunities to: network, exchange knowledge and ideas, meet other like-minded people in an informal and open environment

Chapter meetings are open to everyone; members and non-members; the majority are free and generally catered for.

For more information go to:


The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Asset Management Council CEO Sally Nugent, please contact Madeleine at or on +613 9819 2515


Exposure to the Latest Thinking, Technical Information and Industry Developments via the Asset Management Council

Providing a Wealth of Asset Management Information!

The Asset Management Council is your first point of contact for ‘Everything Asset Management’. The Organisation’s mission ‘to engage stakeholders, transfer knowledge and create a deeper understanding of Asset Management practises,’ has been its successful catch-cry for nearly two decades in the facilitation of critical information to experienced and aspiring asset management professionals.

In person (

Chapter Events: Twelve AM Council Chapters, throughout Australia, each deliver technical presentations and papers on a diverse range of asset management subjects throughout the year. Recent Chapter sessions have included: development of asset management plans; risk assessment, the changing role of asset management; and ISO 5500X.

National Symposium: ‘Transforming Your Outcomes through Asset Management’, 21st November 2014 will be held at the Sydney SMC Conference Centre and focus on government and infrastructure.

Conference: AMPEAK Sydney 24-28 May 2015 – Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park, where 300 delegates and exhibitors will deliver on local and global asset management topics.

Training: the recently revised one day ‘Asset Management Fundamentals Course’ is delivered nationally throughout the year.

Online (

The Technical Document Search provides 800 peer reviewed Conference papers and presentations.

Film and Video: AM Talks presents a broad range of talks and topics from industry professionals who share knowledge and ideas to enhance the asset management community.

Business Directory: lists details and areas of expertise on all corporate members, partners, conference sponsors and exhibitors.

Research Link: provides links to national and international publications, standards and regulations, software and hardware technology, tools and maintenance and reliability resources.

In Print:

The Asset Management Council publishes a number of technical publications including:

‘Framework for Asset Management’: provides an intellectual framework and context through which information about asset management can be developed and universally understood.

‘Companion Guide to ISO 55001’: is a workbook published to assist asset management practitioners in understanding the implementation of ISO 5500X and specifically ISO 55001.

‘The Asset Journal’ is a quarterly publication containing three technical articles per issue, tutorials and a wide range of other features.

Why do asset management professionals need access to this information? Information provided and facilitated by the Asset Management Council, in its various formats, ultimately delivers Continuous Professional Development to all participants; allows the individual to critique their own thinking; assists in improving personal and organisational capabilities and aids benchmarking against other organisations. All of which enablesnew career opportunities and advancement. 

The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Asset Management Council CEO Sally Nugent, please contact Madeleine at or on +613 9819 2515


Outstanding Outcome from CAMA Exam Launch

Announcing the first 35 globally Certified Asset Management Assessors

October 2014 saw the successful Australian launch of the first Certified Asset Management Assessor exams. The Asset Management Council is delighted to announce the results and advise that the first Australian group of 35 CAMA professionals are currently being issued with official certificates from World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM).

Globally acknowledged as a great step forward for the asset management community, this successful launch unequivocally shows Australia’s leadership in global asset management. CAMA is run and recognised throughout Australia, Brazil, Canada, France and the USA.

Due to unprecedented demand, another CAMA Exam sitting will be offered in early December this year. Exam candidates must have a minimum of five years’ experience in asset management and have a strong working knowledge of ISO 5500X.

Over three hundred questions, generated by leading practitioners from across the globe, now make up the CAMA Exam question database, ensuring exam integrity through question variation. Trial candidates in Australia and Brazil provided valuable feedback on suitability of exam content; and statistical analysis of results for the trials set an initial pass mark for the exam. Psychometric testing and peer review of individual questions further enhanced the quality of the exam for candidates.

Observations to date show a good distribution of results across the different combination of exam questions amongst candidates with industrial, geographical and cultural diversity. This provides strong confidence that the CAMA exam is an effective method for identifying required asset management knowledge for ISO 55001 Assessors.

About the exam

Based on GFMAM’s (Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management) ‘Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management Auditor and Assessor’ document, the CAMA Exam was developed by leading not-for-profit asset management organisations which form WPiAM and include: ABRAMAN, the Asset Management Council, IFRAMI, PEMAC and SMRP.
Compliance with the Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management Auditor and Assessor’; ensures that successful applicants have the minimum required knowledge to be an ISO 55001 assessor. This requires compliance with the following:

  • ISO 55001: Asset management – Management systems – Requirements
  • ISO 17021-5: Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems
  • ISO 19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems.

All of these are covered by the CAMA Exam.

To register your interest for the upcoming CAMA Exam, please email Eva at or contact us on +613 9819 2515.

For further information, contact: Madeleine Berenyi, Communications Coordinator, Asset Management Council, Phone: (03) 9819 2515, Fax: (03) 9819 2516, Email:,

In Recognition of Asset Management Council Volunteers

Unsung heroes! Assets of the Asset Management Council! Whatever the description, there is no doubt that Asset Management Council volunteers are leaders of industry, who volunteer their time to enrich the services and products of the Asset Management Council, for the benefit of the greater asset management community.

Findings from a recent 2014 Stakeholder Survey showed the importance of volunteers and clear evidence from the asset management community for continued access to good quality information. This has led to enhancing the volunteer structure and portfolio to further support the needs of the members and the asset management community.

Introducing ‘The Executive

Volunteering time, knowledge, experience, contacts and above all enthusiasm, it is the role of ‘The Executive’ to drive and promote transparency in decision making and sharing across the many facets which constitute the Asset Management Council. ‘The Executive’ has been responsible for the development of Asset Management Competency and Certification programs and provided increased engagement opportunities with the community.

Members of ‘The Executive’ work closely with, and support, the CEO in the development and achievement of the approved strategic plan, while providing independent assurance to the Board for their responsibilities. The Executive have wide remit which involves overseeing, supporting and mentoring groups engaged in work for the Asset Management Council. They collaborate with Chapters, the AMBoK team; specific project teams and a range of key individuals involved in delivering strategic objectives.

But what do volunteer Members of ‘The Executive’ get in return? It’s a question commonly asked. Members take on leadership roles, critical projects, oversee, mentor and put their credentials on the line on a regular basis for free. Why?

A meeting of minds with other industry leaders in a cooperative environment! Knowledge sharing and enhancement! Personal development! Enjoyment in the service and betterment of the Asset Management Community!

Meet ‘The Executive’

Kieran Skelton – Chapter Commissioner: Assures governance and directions of Chapters to provide a regional mechanism for interaction of members and stakeholders.

Andrew Morgan – Accreditation Commissioner: Ensures governance and performance of national and international certification programs and is an educator in accreditation and certification of assessors.

Peter Kohler – AMBoK Commissioner: Assures the technical integrity of the Asset Management Body of Knowledge (AMBoK) and all related materials.

Ernst Krauss – The Asset Journal Editor in Chief: Ensures ‘The Asset Journal’ reflects the vision and strategic directions of the Asset Management Council and remains relevant to the asset management community.

Greg Williams – AMPEAK Conference Chair: Ensures and oversees the delivery of AMPEAK Asset Management Conference.

Jim Kennedy – Sensei: Oversees professional development of volunteers and creates the common narrative for Asset Management Council volunteers.

Together they deliver the professionalism, knowledge and experience that enables the asset management community to continue to advance.

 For more information, or to volunteer with the Asset Management Council, please contact us at

The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For further information, contact: Madeleine Berenyi, Communications Coordinator, Asset Management Council, Phone: (03) 9819 2515, Fax: (03) 9819 2516, Email:, URL: