Take the opportunity to debate with key members of the Standard Project teams.  Join us at the ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011 for an entire day devoted to the Emerging Standard.  Have your questions answered and have your say on the development of the ISO Standard.

Highlights include:

PANEL SESSION:  “Feedback on the ISO Standard” – an opportunity for Q&A for Asset Management Council Members and Stakeholders
Speakers include representatives from:  Institute of Asset Management and Asset Management Council

Keynote speakers include:

 David McKeown          

“The ISO Asset Management Standard”
Chief Executive, Institute of Asset Management, UK

Peter Kohler

“Maturity Models of Asset Management for Highly Capable Organisations”
Principal Analyst – Asset Sustainability, ITSR, Australia

Nezar Al Shamasi

“Asset Management Philosophies At Saudi Aramco”
Director, Corporate Maintenance Support, Saudi Aramco Maintenance Council, Saudi Arabia

Timothy Goshert

“Case Studies on Production Gains from Effective Maintenance”
Worldwide Reliability and Maintenance Manager, Cargill, US 

Afternoon sessions will include: Roundtable on the Lifecycle Standard


Gold Coast, 16-20 May 2011.  To submit a paper click here.  To register your interest please contact 03 9819 2515

or email info@amcouncil.com.au