
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has brought challenges to every aspect of our lives. In the professional arena, many of us are now working from remotely and for those employed in the asset management sector, this fact can usher in a set of unique circumstances when managing asset portfolios. Completing inspection reports, presenting analysis and findings, and developing maintenance strategies all from the home office.

The infrastructure to support this in Australia is the National Broadband Network, better known as the NBN.

Even prior to #shutdown, people were increasingly relying on digital connections. But add in the working from home status of so many of us, online schooling for students, and accessing movies via the numerous streaming apps available, it’s understandable that over the past three weeks the NBN has experienced an uptake in demand. Let’s take a brief look at this uptake in demand. Data is measured across three timeframes: daytime business, early evening, and busy evening.

  • In the week leading up to Easter 2020, peak upload throughput increased by over 100 percent.
  • Wednesday 8th April was the busiest day for uptake across all three timeframes coinciding with the release of an update to the popular game, Call of Duty.
  • Orders for higher-speed plans through internet providers increased during the same week.
  • Reliable performance is critical for employees to connect via video-conferencing and those running their own business from home1.

What have you noticed with your demand for NBN services? Has your connection stayed strong while you’re writing analysis reports or undertaking remote maintenance strategies. Or have you experienced the sputtering and dropping out, usually at that crucial moment prior to saving or uploading a document? Let us know by emailing


1 Info sourced in this post from: