Upgrading Sewerage SystemsMost often, maintenance and upgrade work is dirty work.

In 2020, Coliban Water completed possibly the dirtiest of upgrades. The Heathcote Sewer Scheme Project was designed to provide reticulated sewerage services to properties still using septic tanks. Residents and business owners in the Heathcote area now have a safer and more environmentally friendly way to manage wastewater1.

Over ten kilometres of sewer mains were installed, with thirty per cent using boring or horizontal directional drilling (HDD)—a steerable trenchless method of installing underground pipe, conduit, or cable in a shallow arc along a prescribed bore path by using a surface-launched drilling rig, with minimal impact on the surrounding area2. HDD reduces the need for excavation and prevents damage to surrounding trees and root systems and is increasingly used where environmental caution is required.

The upgrade to the wastewater network was the culmination of months of planning, investigations and community consultations. Coliban Water contains the wastewater and transports it to a reclamation plant, where it is treated and can be reused in irrigation. The upgrade also allows for future development to the pipeline and for population growth within the region.

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1 Sourced: https://coliban.com.au/5-million-heathcote-sewer-scheme-project-completed

2 Sourced: https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/atoms/files/uhdd_guidance.pdf