Check out the transformative article on page 32 of the latest Asset Journal, “Maintenance 4.0: Digitalisation of Maintenance Data in the Civil Engineering Industry,” by Bradley Harris Du Toit and Rina Peach from the University of Pretoria.

Explore how the civil engineering industry can benefit from digitalising maintenance data. This comprehensive review highlights the challenges, benefits, technologies, and future trends in digital maintenance operations. It emphasizes the importance of data standardisation and governance for accuracy and addresses the obstacles in digitalisation that enhance collaboration and communication.

Learn about the four key concepts identified in the literature review: data integration and centralisation, data standardisation and governance, collaboration, and communication and economic impacts. Discover how various technologies can overcome challenges like data security and integration with legacy systems.

This insightful review not only underscores the interplay between digitalisation and maintenance but also provides practical insights and future research recommendations. A must-read for civil engineering professionals and organisations aiming to implement data-driven strategies!

Download the latest Asset Journal now.