Solar PanelsThe Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has awarded $15 million1 funding into research for solar PV panels and to support end of life initiatives for the decommissioning of these panels.

Asset management involves ensuring due process is taken at the end of an asset’s life. Decommissioning an asset requires an understanding of the asset’s role within the business, its service requirement during the decline period and the costs associated with this. The process must be done according to the specific asset as different assets will decommission differently. It must be done safely, and with a focus on the overall improvement to the business and its surrounding environment.

Solar photovoltaic systems provide a major source of renewable energy in Australia, with twenty-one percent of households now using solar panels, representing a combined capacity of more than 10GW2. Research into improvements to the supporting technology in solar PV panels not only enhances competitiveness within the renewable energy sector but provides critical information regarding safe and responsible methods to recycle and repurpose these assets in the future. By arriving at decommissioning plans now, we ensure a greater understanding of the expectations and outcomes, and places significant weight to modelling during an asset’s decline phase.

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