Sharing the journey of “Young professionals in Asset Management” and inspiring others to embrace a “Whole of life” Asset philosophy. This session will be an overview of guest speaker Mary Nguyen’s professional journey and her contribution to asset management at Sydney Trains.
Light refreshments and nibbles provided, with thanks to KPMG.
Mary Nguyen is the Master Program Manager at Sydney Trains, coordinating critical construction, design and track work resources to best deliver the annual $1.5bil maintenance and capital works programs.
In 2021, Mary won the Australasian Rai Industry Awards’ Young Rail Professional Award. Mary’s engineering and planning knowledge has led to the development of multiple innovative solutions for one of the organisation’s most complex areas – track possession management, which involves long-term planning, coordination of hundreds of worksites, safety management and train movements in consultation with multiple stakeholders across Transport for NSW Cluster. She is also an active advocate for diversity and gender equality in the rail industry.