Providing a Wealth of Asset Management Information!

The Asset Management Council is your first point of contact for ‘Everything Asset Management’. The Organisation’s mission ‘to engage stakeholders, transfer knowledge and create a deeper understanding of Asset Management practises,’ has been its successful catch-cry for nearly two decades in the facilitation of critical information to experienced and aspiring asset management professionals.

In person (

Chapter Events: Twelve AM Council Chapters, throughout Australia, each deliver technical presentations and papers on a diverse range of asset management subjects throughout the year. Recent Chapter sessions have included: development of asset management plans; risk assessment, the changing role of asset management; and ISO 5500X.

National Symposium: ‘Transforming Your Outcomes through Asset Management’, 21st November 2014 will be held at the Sydney SMC Conference Centre and focus on government and infrastructure.

Conference: AMPEAK Sydney 24-28 May 2015 – Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park, where 300 delegates and exhibitors will deliver on local and global asset management topics.

Training: the recently revised one day ‘Asset Management Fundamentals Course’ is delivered nationally throughout the year.

Online (

The Technical Document Search provides 800 peer reviewed Conference papers and presentations.

Film and Video: AM Talks presents a broad range of talks and topics from industry professionals who share knowledge and ideas to enhance the asset management community.

Business Directory: lists details and areas of expertise on all corporate members, partners, conference sponsors and exhibitors.

Research Link: provides links to national and international publications, standards and regulations, software and hardware technology, tools and maintenance and reliability resources.

In Print:

The Asset Management Council publishes a number of technical publications including:

‘Framework for Asset Management’: provides an intellectual framework and context through which information about asset management can be developed and universally understood.

‘Companion Guide to ISO 55001’: is a workbook published to assist asset management practitioners in understanding the implementation of ISO 5500X and specifically ISO 55001.

‘The Asset Journal’ is a quarterly publication containing three technical articles per issue, tutorials and a wide range of other features.

Why do asset management professionals need access to this information? Information provided and facilitated by the Asset Management Council, in its various formats, ultimately delivers Continuous Professional Development to all participants; allows the individual to critique their own thinking; assists in improving personal and organisational capabilities and aids benchmarking against other organisations. All of which enablesnew career opportunities and advancement. 

The Asset Management Council is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and a leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the asset management community.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Asset Management Council CEO Sally Nugent, please contact Madeleine at or on +613 9819 2515